Thieving MPs at it again


Of 635 members of parliament , 29 accused of spouse abuse
7have been arrested for fraud
9 accused of writing bad cheques
17 have bankrupted 2or more businesses
3 have done time for assault
71 cannot get a credit card
14 have been arrested on drug related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
84 have been arrested for drink driving this year
These are the people running our country , and their expenses for the year added up to £ 92,993,748

Is that fact?

Of course it is not true.How many things do you see written that are not true? MP’s are no angels but someone with a great dislike of them has invented this.
84 for drunk driving this year! YEAH OF COURSE.

Anyway what has an article written in 2011 doing on here now and what the hell has it got to do with trucks?

Anyway what has an article written in 2011 doing on here now and what the hell has it got to do with trucks?

Nothing at all that’s why its IN
> The place to unwind, tell a few tall tales, talk football, discuss news, even chat about the weather … anything BUT TRUCKING !!!

Well, the thieving scrote Maria Miller has reluctantly resigned today.

She may have resigned, but she’s still eligable for a £17,000 pay off for loss of office. However, she’s said she’ll donate it to charity. I wonder if that’ll be before or after she’s recouped the £5 grand she had to repay?

The last time there were 635 MPs in Westminster was 1983. That particular list of “facts” has been doing the rounds for years now, and they are no more accurate now than when they first appeared in that form around 2011 - Even then they had been lifted pretty much verbatim from a list of “facts” regarding the US House of Representatiuves, first published on a US website about 15 years ago.

Does this really come as a suprise.
We allow these scum to get away with it so are they guilty or do we blame ourselves.

When you are judge, jury, prison governor and probation officer, is anyone surprised that the rules and regs are designed to alleviate politicians of their responsibilities when they make such a tiny mistake. :unamused: (that anyone could make :laughing: )