"They said this tyre can't be fixed"


bit of superglue, a few staples here n there and wahay fixed lol

waits for someone to post the magnum with all the gaffer tape on it

Dont worry, ill fix it with my special kit


you obviously don’t work for our company orys. There’s at least another thousand miles left on that little baby yet!!! :smiley: :smiley:

Did you mean to say “they said this tyre CAN be fixed” as that would have read better. Remindes me of that video of the lkw walter trailer driving along on all six rims and no tyres, lol.

I’ve put worse in for test :wink:

jokes aside, if you get “schlussdefekt” like that, bits of rubber can wind around the hub, axle, got jammed somewhere etc and are absolute pain to remove. ever tried to cut a tyre with a knife on roadside (at night)? then next best thing is to strap or tape the bits somehow (like the pic shows) to prevent them from flapping around and damaging e.g. brake cylinder and drive to the nearest layby / service station.