These folks seem to be doing well out the recession

I thought all the kids had gone back to School after the holidays. They went back on the 7th around here.

got my tin hat on so bring it on!!

It is good that people do voice their honest opinions, as political correctness has made people afraid to speak their mind. It is not important whether people agree or disagree with what you say, but honest opinions reveal the truth of peoples thoughts, and that is raw and vital democracy in action.

Once again though there is a tendency to aim the arrows at the people who have taken advantage of the British governments open door policy to immigration, and its willingness to let the EU dictate to us who is allowed into our country. The UK has de-facto lost control of its borders, regardless of what slippery British politicians want you to believe.

It was always on the cards that those who came to work here during the good times, would most likely stay to enjoy the benefits of our generous welfare system, once the wheels fell off the economy. It is also the EU who made the rule that EU citizens can claim full UK benefits after working here for just 12 months.

People may look at ‘Johnny Foreigner’ with his snout in the welfare kitty and get justifiably annoyed, but it is not the foreigners fault. The fault is with the British government and ultimately, with the British people who unfailingly vote these morons into office every time. The British people really do need a kick up the backside, before it is too late.

its all the jocks in westminster that are to blame for the policy!!!

INCOMING!!! :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

only kidding ragnarok!!
(well maybe not)!!

only kidding ragnarok!!
(well maybe not)!!

Scratch an Englishman and you will most likely find a Jock, Taff or Paddy in their genetic heritage somewhere :smiley:

single polish workers are returning home in the recession- but families with kids are staying to pocket 715 pounds in weekly benefits recruitment firms are saying.
its out theSUN so may not be true

Printing statements like this sells newspapers, there may be an element of truth in this statement, but to pocket £715 per week, I dont think so :unamused: If this was the case most of the population wouldn’t bother to go to work, it’s a load of old carp for gullible SUN ‘readers:laughing:


How the hell can these people be getting £700 a week.

Off course they can’t. It’s only a myth.

I, as a Pole, am entitled to excactly the same benefits that you, except that to claim some I have to live here for some years (for example for jobseeker’s allowance after two years, until I manage to claim polish jobseekers here).

creative journalism there.

I like this expression :smiley:

They will only be getting their individual JSA/Incapacity Benefit

And this one after two years of living here.


I find this post very offending. Please moderate it and hold him responsible.

Done. Just removing it from your quote as well. L.


I find this post very offending. Please moderate it and hold him responsible.

A thread about working for £5.73ph was locked for less!

See comments in edits above. L.

single polish workers are returning home in the recession- but families with kids are staying to pocket 715 pounds in weekly benefits recruitment firms are saying.
its out theSUN so may not be true

Ok, I don’t want to waste time for another thread like that. We have “English work” for that.

Please just see what opinion about Poles is in Sun etc:
We, Poles are someone, who are only thinking how to claim benefits. And you all, altough claims that much of you don’t read Sun, seems to follow the way of thinking.

No one noticed, that the rerason is much simplier: If you are single, you can move everywhere you want at any time. I came to Scotland only with my backpack on me. Now I have two cats, a car, some furniture and hi-fi, books, cds, PC, guitars, studies and it would be much harder for me to come back to Poland if i want to. And I still don’t have kids here!

More singles than families are coming back to Poland becouse they have kids! Kids are attending schools, they have friends here etc: you can’t move them arround. And that’s main reason for it! Singles don’t have kids, so it’s easier for them to move back to Poland, Norway or wherever they want to!!!

My god you lot are a right bunch of … (insert own expletive). Hitler had the right idea, what bloody planet do you live on? Do they have the right wing gospels The Sun and The Daily Mail there? It sickens me that people seem to believe all that these hideous papers tell them.

Oh and where did this stupid craze of calling all Eastern Europeans ‘taliban’ come from? Shows a real knowledge of the world I must say. (that was sarcasm)

Oh and before anybody throws the left wing liberal ‘insult’ at me, yes i am liberal and very very pleased about it when I read some comments on here. It means I have an open mind and wont believe all that Rupert Murdoch and Paul Dacre say.

Some of the comments on here a bit near the knuckle suprised you haven`t jumped on it( Mods) I know its a forum for debate but some of the comments on here are definatly racial.
I have sighned on dole 31/12/08 & will only get £60.50 a week I probably agree our Imigration is a bit lax but we are free to move to Poland if we want.

trot off back to reading your guardian!

trot off back to reading your guardian!

Maybe if some of you read something like the Guardian, you might know what the Taliban actually are and learn a bit of history about who Hitler was (he was a bit more than just a bit of an arse :unamused: ) and a bit of history about WWII and European politics since.
But sadly you can’t think beyond the big headline and the rumour and hearsay spread by those with thier own agenda.

i only read a paper on a sunday and its the sunday times.

Yeah i’d like to see it broken down to how they actually get £700 a week off the DSS, think a bit of creative journalism there.

The newspapers have got it all wrong and you’re right,as usual. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:
£500 housing benefit, £95 Jobseeker’s Allowance, £36 child benefit, £84 in grants including council tax credits, carers allowance, maternity, paternity, and learning grants.
Happy Now?

Some of the comments on here a bit near the knuckle suprised you haven`t jumped on it( Mods) I know its a forum for debate but some of the comments on here are definatly racial.
I have sighned on dole 31/12/08 & will only get £60.50 a week I probably agree our Imigration is a bit lax but we are free to move to Poland if we want.

What are you waiting for :question: :question: :question: