So Monday was my first trip into the docks at Felixstowe right sit down chaps and prepare to laugh
First job find pass office ok spoke to my old man and had a few tips of fellow drivers on here and I somehow find myself at the RORO part yep went straight on instead of turning right. Never mind get my self out of there and with directions I find the pass office.
Pass sorted and a vbs booked I drive round to trinity enter all details into computer get my slip and off I go.
Find my row onto my pad sit and wait straddled comes over to the pad in the next row sits there then starts saying some thing over the loud speaker can’t make a word of what he is saying and just assume he is talking to who ever is on the other side. He drives off I still sit there then I have the horrible feeling he might of been telling me I’m in the wrong lane and guess what he was so I go spin round and get my self in the right lane box off superb.
Then round to 8 & 9 birth find my lane yep right one this time, find my pad yep no problem straddled comes over lowers box down I back up a couple of inches bang box on superb now to get out of this hell hole. That’s the part that took me a bit longer seeing as I drove straight past the exit sign and ended up in the THA. Finally find the exit and I get out and feel a sudden feeling a relief and happiness lol.
Back in there tomorrow to get rid of this 20ft empty but I should be ok tomorrow as I drove round most of the bloody place on Monday