Theres plenty of parking- your just too tight to pay for it

-Apparently, … azQdHZwaJC

Note this line

Many LGV drivers choose not to park overnight in lorry parks, either because their employer will not pay for parking or because they are given a cash subsistence allowance which they would rather not spend on parking .”

It appears the Government spokesperson doesn’t understand the difference between a personal tax free allowance and a business expense - and also is too stupid to realise even if the night out allowance did include parking (which it doesn’t) the current HMRC allowances are actually less than some MSA’s charge, so does he seriously expect drivers to top up the night out allowance out of their own pockets?

With all the latest ■■■■■■■■ coming from this useless government, I can’t say I’m surprised. I’ve voted Conservative most of my life, but never again. It’ll either be UKIP next time round, or if Milliband plucks up enough courage to promise a referendum, I’ll even vote for him.

I heard on the radio today that they’re even talking about privatising the courts next - Will this make the new legal principle ‘Guilty until proven Rich’?


I’ve just had to look these definitions up :blush:

Subsistence : The means by which one maintains life.

Subsistence Allowance : A payment to an employee to reimburse expenses,as while on assignments

Govt.interpretations/definitions seem to vary to suit whatever they are trying to prove at any particular time. :imp:

HMRC are quite clear what the tax free allowance is for

-Where the employer knows that the driver uses the sleeper cab, the amount paid free of tax should not exceed a reasonable reimbursement of:

-evening meal and breakfast
-washing facilities
-upkeep of bedding in the cab.

No mention of parking at all

It already is guilty until proven rich mate!

The government should start their own haulage firm,
with all the ■■■■■■■■ they have to deliver.

Another example of how Joe public is to blame for everything.

more than a few seem to forget this -washing facilities!! :unamused: :unamused:

I’ve forwarded the link to this thread to my MP, along with the following comments.

Dear Mr.Hart
You may recall that I drew your attention to this subject some time ago.
It would seem that your colleagues in government have decided that there is, after all sufficient parking space available in the UK after all, and the fault lies with hauliers and drivers for being unwilling to pay for it. It might interest you to know that unlike Members of Parliament, the tax-free limit of allowance for overnight subsistence is a mere £26.20 if you sleep in your cab (that’s the one without the en-suite but with panoramic views of the trailer next to you) and that does not include room service. I’m fully aware that the job of an MP is far more important than that of a mere lorry driver, but I’m sure you can understand that the change from that money does not buy many duck-houses. Motorway service areas are inevitably full; many do not even offer the basic facility of a shower in their exorbitant charges, and those that do are inevitably filthy and run-down. It goes without saying that anyone driving an HGV for a living should be able to get a decent night’s sleep at the end of a working day that can last up to fifteen hours, and a lay-by simply is not the place to achieve that.
Might I please draw your attention to the following discussion on the “Trucknet” website; you will see from there that opinions at the sharp end of the industry (i.e. those of us who actually have to do the job) differ somewhat from the official view.
I apologise for some of the less than flattering opinions of the government’s competence expressed on the thread but I’m sure you’ve heard and seen worse. It’s the result of HGV drivers being treated as second-class citizens for many years. I would have thought that a Conservative government, which traditionally supports those who “get on their bikes” and work for a living, would do better than this. To say that I am bitterly disappointed by the Govenment’s ill-researched and uninformed conclusions is an understatement.

I remember when lord Adonis was transport secretary…

he went around a couple of msas on Friday teatime,and because there was plenty of vacant parking spaces...instantly declared,that lack of parking for hgvs was not an issue. :unamused:

it probably didn’t enter his peanut brain,that most trampers go home on Friday…thick ■■■■

I remember when lord Adonis was transport secretary…

he went around a couple of msas on Friday teatime,and because there was plenty of vacant parking spaces...instantly declared,that lack of parking for hgvs was not an issue. :unamused:

it probably didn’t enter his peanut brain,that most trampers go home on Friday…thick [zb]

Along with the ever persistent assumption that all lorry drivers are either on the motorway or want to get on one when they need to park up for the night.

I’ve forwarded the link to this thread to my MP, along with the following comments.

Dear Mr.Hart
You may recall that I drew your attention to this subject some time ago.
It would seem that your colleagues in government have decided that there is, after all sufficient parking space available in the UK after all, and the fault lies with hauliers and drivers for being unwilling to pay for it. It might interest you to know that unlike Members of Parliament, the tax-free limit of allowance for overnight subsistence is a mere £26.20 if you sleep in your cab (that’s the one without the en-suite but with panoramic views of the trailer next to you) and that does not include room service. I’m fully aware that the job of an MP is far more important than that of a mere lorry driver, but I’m sure you can understand that the change from that money does not buy many duck-houses. Motorway service areas are inevitably full; many do not even offer the basic facility of a shower in their exorbitant charges, and those that do are inevitably filthy and run-down. It goes without saying that anyone driving an HGV for a living should be able to get a decent night’s sleep at the end of a working day that can last up to fifteen hours, and a lay-by simply is not the place to achieve that.
Might I please draw your attention to the following discussion on the “Trucknet” website; you will see from there that opinions at the sharp end of the industry (i.e. those of us who actually have to do the job) differ somewhat from the official view.
I apologise for some of the less than flattering opinions of the government’s competence expressed on the thread but I’m sure you’ve heard and seen worse. It’s the result of HGV drivers being treated as second-class citizens for many years. I would have thought that a Conservative government, which traditionally supports those who “get on their bikes” and work for a living, would do better than this. To say that I am bitterly disappointed by the Govenment’s ill-researched and uninformed conclusions is an understatement.

fantastic letter mate but do you honestly think the stuck up there own arses set of ■■■■■ will even read it■■? typical Tory ■■■■■■■■ “All in this together” my arse!

I have to say that Simon Hart is pretty good as a constituency MP; last time I wrote to him about this I did get a reply quite promptly, and he did pass my comments on to the minister who was dealing with it, and forwarded me the reply from him which unsurprisingly was a load of non-commital waffle.

Unfortunately he isn’t the whole government.

Update; I’ve had an e-mail back today from Simon Hart.

Thanks for your email and I understand the frustration even if I hope I don’t match some of your views about my colleagues, nor do I think of your profession as inferior to mine!
I will need to look into this so hope you can give me a little time to respond fully.
Thanks again,
Simon Hart

I will update you as and when I receive a further reply.

only way you will get this dicussed in parliment is if we all throw in a few hundred quid and find a MP or Lord who is offering his services as a consultant for a mere £1000 a day, whilst making sure they dont have to declare it.

Well done Sidevalve…impressed.

Why didn’t the journo from commercial motor challenge him on this statement?

Yes I agree,nice one sidevalve,interesting letter and reply,look forward to any updates.

Why didn’t the journo from commercial motor challenge him on this statement?

because its a written response from the Government to the select committee - not an interview/opportunity to question whoever made the statement,
However we have been in touch with the select committee to find out just who made such an erroneous statement and where that person got their information from,
I do suspect that having shown the statement is untrue, that finding some one to put their head above the parapet and say they made a boo boo is extremely unlikely.

Your own MP is obliged to look into this, letters to Marsham street. Tory Head Office or Dave will not be entertained. You cannot write direct to the Minister of Transport.

So write to the UKIP member who got elected in your Constituency, write to Lib Dem members of your own parishes and wards.

Simon Hart shouldn’t take very long to reply. I can name the Carmarthen Truckstops in one :exclamation:

The government should start their own haulage firm,
with all the ■■■■■■■■ they have to deliver.

They used to have one, matey. The vehicles were painted red, with a smattering of rust but when, after about 70 years, they realised that they were as crap at running a transport company as they were at running the country, they flogged the whole lot off.
Here is part of their modern fleet-