Theory Test Tommorrow

I’ve got my theory test tommorrow. Have to be up bright and early, test is at 9.45. Getting quite nervouse now but have been doing a mock test every day and getting well over 90 so hopefully thats a good sign. :confused:

You’ll be fine.

all I did for mine was flick through the highway code and practice on the mock DVD.

Its not hard at all really :smiley:

good luck

Best of luck with the test tom, if you’re getting good results on the mocks you should do fine, fingers crossed for you!

Best of luck with the test tom, if you’re getting good results on the mocks you should do fine, fingers crossed for you!

This ^^

… and good luck!! :smiley:

I passed! :smiley: 96 of 100. I’m happy with that. Got HP and cpc in two weeks so still got more revision to do. Theory tests are the easy part. The hard part is passing the practical…I think anyway.

Well done on the great result KittyKat!
Good luck for the next parts, you’ll do fine.
I thought the same with regards to actually doing the practical, if you keep the same positive mindset as with the theory then fingers crossed you’ll do fine :wink:

Well done on your theory pass kittykat :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Congratulations on the pass and good luck with the rest


Congrats mate

Hope everything else goes as well as the theory :sunglasses:

Congratulations on the theory and all the best with the rest

So what was all the fuss about then :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

If you practice enough then on the day it will be simple’s

Congrats on the result.

Im a woman mcc46. I worry too much. I really should stop it. I can’t wait to get the HP and cpc out of the way in two weeks time. Then the long wait for the fun stuff - the training. :smiley:

Well done Kittykat :laughing: (one less thing to worry about eh)
I passed mine two weeks ago ha listen im a bloke in my 50s and was up till 3 am in the morning reading and cr***ing myself the night before eyes like this :open_mouth: and walked it lol .
But I Bet im doing the same thing :open_mouth: night before my practical . :wink:

Hi all.

Just a wee update. I sat my HP and CPC case studies today and Im glad to say that I passed both of them :smiley: 87 out of 100 for the HP and 44 out of 50 for the CPC. I am glad its over with now and I can get onto the fun part, getting my training booked. I can’t wait to get started. Kind of makes having to get out my bed early worth it.

Well done on the passes KittyKat, like you say the fun part starts now!

I’d been doing nights before I started training so it was pretty soul destroying waking up at 6 for a week, tho that all disappeared once I was behind the wheel in training mode :smiley:

Good luck with your training!

Well done on the passes btw im female done both my theory & HPT after each other passed both np ( was a while ago though )

Thanks everyone. I couldn’t get my theory and HP booked on the same day so had to them two weeks apart. Glad they are over with now and I can look forward to doing the training. :smiley:


Thanks everyone. I couldn’t get my theory and HP booked on the same day so had to them two weeks apart. Glad they are over with now and I can look forward to doing the training. :smiley:

That is why my provider booked mine for me so could have them same day following each other

good luck for tomorrow mate you will be fine . let us know how you do