Theory test passed

Passed the theory test today. 35 out of 35 on questions and 64 on HP game despite having one of the clips score zero for clicking too many times, anyway well pleased with result. Hopefully I will be starting training on 28th with Easterns.
cheers guys

Well done :smiley:

Well done on the theory test pass and
good luck with the rest of the training :smiley:


Enjoy The Training the lads from Eastern will look after you.

:smiley: Well Done !

Well done.

Well done on the theory, best of luck with the training !!


Training is going to start next Mon 14/11 with test on 19/11. When I was first told was over the moon but now the nerves have started to kick in, I realised its only another four days away. I shall start taking the Kalms by the shovel full from now on. Will try and post some progress reports if I have any energy or sanity left after the first day.

congrats on the theory.
try to relax and enjoy the training mate GOOD LUCK.