Theory Test pass

Passed my Theory today, 35 marks for the theory and 51 for the hazard perception.

Just scraped in on the Hazard perception, so might have a bit more practice on the PC just to try and get the general ability up a bit more.

Still a pass though! :laughing:

Well done :smiley: , good luck with the driver training

Congratulations :smiley: & good luck with your training.

Well done - don’t worry about the hazard perception anyway, I practiced full time for a week on the PC and still got a rubbish score. Personally I think the test is badly designed, but then again I don’t earn as much as those that designed it !! :imp:

Well done on the theory test pass dennisw1
and good luck with the training and test. Don’t
worry about the hazard perception anymore just
look out for the ones on the road. I also just
scraped in on the hazard perception part and
think it’s badly designed.

I didn’t have to do a hazard perception test, what does it entail?

These explain it better than I can -

Thanks Convoy.

I always assumed the practical test was used for hazard perception? :open_mouth: