Theory test on Wednesday 1st July

Hi all,
I have my Theory and Hazard Perception tests on Wednesday, fingers crossed all goes well as Ive been studying like a good girl :laughing:
Im going to do my training with gtg in Edinburgh and - knowing I have to do the Module 2 part too - I was wondering if I have to do that part with the training school or can I study for it and book my own test before I go for the driver training? I cant find any study materials (CD/DVDS) to practise with, or perhaps Im looking in the wrong places…
Can anyone advise?
Mrs Mac

In my opinion, DT4A provide a good system, I used it to pass my theory and hazard perception through HGV EXPRESS. It costs around £20, it’s all done online.

Thanks Nomininolife :slight_smile:
Theory passed today!! Just Module 2 then I can get my hands on a truck :laughing:

Thanks Nomininolife :slight_smile:
Theory passed today!! Just Module 2 then I can get my hands on a truck :laughing:

Why did you not do mod 2 whilst at theory test centre ?

Many do all three theory mods 1a 1b & 2 in one day at theory test centre

I did my theory and hazard perception on one day then went back the following week for my module 2 case studies as I thought it maybe a bit much in one day. I also couldn’t get the appointments close together and didn’t fancy twiddling my thumbs for the day whilst waiting.

Had I of known the test centre ignore the times you booked and just put you in back to back I would have done them all at the same time. All the knowledge you have learnt from the theory test should be enough to get you through the case studies.

There is a free website that I used which has a load of case studies, theory test practice and hazard perception clips on it but the name passes me by at the moment.

good luck!

Many do all three theory mods 1a 1b & 2 in one day at theory test centre

Hi Rog. As Jonnyboat says, I couldnt get all three booked together (I’d forgotten about the Mod 2 when I originally booked the first two :unamused: ), yet when I turned up they ignored the times I’d booked and did the two tests back to back. I was leaving well before the second test was due to start :smiley: Then I couldn’t get in to do the Mod 2 until 20 July unfortunately

I’d forgotten about the Mod 2 when I originally booked the first two :unamused: )y

I done exactly the same forgot all about the cpc case studies so had to wait another month before I could get training!


Module 2 part too - I was wondering if I have to do that part with the training school or can I study for it and book my own test before I go for the driver training? I cant find any study materials (CD/DVDS) to practise with, or perhaps Im looking in the wrong places…
Can anyone advise?
Mrs Mac

Firstly congrats on passing :slight_smile: I also couldn’t find any theory practice stuff I have 2 CPC books but they mainly have the practical stuff in it… and it shows you what to expect (which you can find out anywhere!)

I admit I failed my first CPC case studies by 1 mark!! gutted I was… looking back I done the test too quick… but it’s pretty much the same sort of questions as the theory however the questions are asked in real life situations…
so you’ll have a half of page to read though

eg paul starts at 7am drives… goes to france… delivers. blar blar :stuck_out_tongue: and gets back…
and a question will be what paper work does paul need for the delivery…
so you just gotta read where he’s delivering what he’s delivering etc etc…

I answered most of the questions first and second time round without even reading the whole case…

but to answer your question do it in your own time like the theories and I don’t think there is any revision material just carry on revising using the materials you did with the theory… I used an ios app cost like £7 and it would go though all the questions and the ones you get wrong it will come back to them until you have it right!

It turns out I could either do modules 2 an 4 or the 35 hours, I didn’t know I could take the module 2 at the same time as 1a and 1b, something I will be taking up with HGV EXPRESS, once I have everything completed. Anyway I have opted for the 35 hours, which will take me til the end of September to complete. I feel I will learn more going that route than doing 2 tests.

But I do get behind the wheel of a truck on Monday, with my test on Thursday :slight_smile: