Theory and hazzard

Well. I have booked my theory and hazzard and mid 2 cpc, I have been passing theory not a problem, 95 out of a 100 quiet comfortable and 1 question I knew but read through it to quick and got mixed up, so comfortable on theory,

but I’m having problems with hazzard precpeption, I’m clicking to early, then clicking to late compensating :imp:

Also, like an idiot, thought I had revision for mod 2 cpc and it turns out I havnt, and as you will know by my previous posts I have lost my job and havnt got any spare money for the revision, I was just wondering if id be able to scrape by with the knowledge from revision from mod 1 theory and some common sense?

Thanks in advance for your time

Regards Chris

I was just wondering if id be able to scrape by with the knowledge from revision from mod 1 theory and some common sense?

Many have

Sorry to hear about your position routy, I am in a very similar position myself, made redundant a week ago after 19 years loyal service. I was also wondering if there was a link to any revision stuff on the net?
I’m just preparing for my theory and HPT, like yourself getting consistent 95s on the theory, but I’m finding the HPT a little easier, probably cos I’ve been riding motorcycles for the last 30 years you get used to riding defensively.
I think the idea is to way up all the information you have on screen, road conditions, road markings, parked cars, road signs etc and spot the potential hazards but hold off until they are likely to impede on you. Eg, double white lines on road with a cyclist ahead of you would be a potential hazard, add to this situation a car coming from oposite direction as well and this becomes a potential hazard that you have to react to…click!

Well. I have booked my theory and hazzard and mid 2 cpc, I have been passing theory not a problem, 95 out of a 100 quiet comfortable and 1 question I knew but read through it to quick and got mixed up, so comfortable on theory,

but I’m having problems with hazzard precpeption, I’m clicking to early, then clicking to late compensating :imp:

Also, like an idiot, thought I had revision for mod 2 cpc and it turns out I havnt, and as you will know by my previous posts I have lost my job and havnt got any spare money for the revision, I was just wondering if id be able to scrape by with the knowledge from revision from mod 1 theory and some common sense?

Thanks in advance for your time

Regards Chris

when you see a hazard click/half second pause/click half second pause/click half second pause…3 clicks per hazard…try not to click more than 12 times per video scene because if you over click you loose all points and 1 point is better than none,that one could be the difference between you passing…good luck !