Theiving Scum! You couldn't make it up!

I’ve just had a telephone call from a friend of mine to say that his weekend at Peterborough has been ruined by theives.

This truck had its propshaft stolen last night…

locked yard, nothing else was touched, no damage just the propshaft

It is a particulary short wheel base for a K100 Kenworth so the shaft would probably not fit anything else, so may be its already been binned.

If anyone has any infomation or is offered a short propshaft, please get in touch.

obviously stolen to order. :imp:

Yeah I think your right, what else would it fit?! The thing is it’s a real short shaft so they must have just wanted the yokes on either end.
With the limited amount of US trucks here in the UK, the owners community is fairly tight, so it’s even more of a worry that it has been nicked to order.

Yeah I think your right, what else would it fit?! The thing is it’s a real short shaft so they must have just wanted the yokes on either end.
With the limited amount of US trucks here in the UK, the owners community is fairly tight, so it’s even more of a worry that it has been nicked to order.

i,ll post details on my site. you never know some one might hear summik.

Thanks Terry.

Or it could be a dastardly fiendish ploy by a fellow competitor to make sure it doesn’t get to truckfest :wink: :wink: :wink:

:open_mouth: I guess stranger things have happened :laughing:

Thanks Terry.

not a problem tramper. i hope some one see,s it and can help.

btw. pearl of a motor.

Or it could be a dastardly fiendish ploy by a fellow competitor to make sure it doesn’t get to truckfest :wink: :wink: :wink:

in which case it should narrow the search for likeley suspects at least.
proving it would of course be a different kettle of fish alltogether. :wink:

Just a thought but… :bulb:

Has anyone asked the wife :?: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :confused:

Hell hath no fury and all that , I mean she could be sick to death of this truck (and shows)

You never know stranger things have happened… Just a thought :wink:

:open_mouth: Looking for chipped nail polish :laughing:

it might sound a silly idea, but check out any company who deal with american truck repairs in your local area, also put an advertisement in your local paper… it gives good advertisement for your truck and hopefully shame the scum to return it.!!!

Good luck with getting a replacement

linked this thread on another site

Really does make you wonder wot sort of people are about doing things like this ! :imp: