The world according to Mr.Vain

Its been a funny old week, CLARKSON got a slating from some for doing his job (very well) The RHA jumped up and started shouting the odds, shame they weren’t so clever when fuel was going thru the roof! :unamused:
Lewis Hamilton done us proud in the formula 1, yet the lad gets slated cos hes black and a tax exile? I even heard some muppet on radio2 say that it was no achievement cos he was only as good as his car? Does this prat think the same when it comes to trucks? Does that mean that a Volvo driver is a better driver than a DAF driver? I think not.
Then theres the world of TRUCKNET UK, Blinged up trucks raises its ugly head again, as do bottles of urine! You think the bottles are bad, wednesday lunchtime i pulled into Chievely services, sitting there minding my own business, eating and drinking . An ASDA Scania pulls up alongside, the driver decides to come over and compliment me on my truck. Always nice to get appreciation. We’d been chatting for about 10 mins when suddenly he literally turned on the spot and proceeded to urinate on the floor next to his truck ! He even continued with the conversation! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Well i finished my lunch and made my excuses. Its a funny old world. But before you start jumping up and down cos something has rattled yr cage, just think, does it really matter? There are children all around the world suffering, even in the UK. Somewhere tonight there’s a child thats scared, alone or in pain. I was one of those children.

The point of this thread? Do i need a point? Pointless threads appear everyday, its a free world. But if i have a point? It would be LIVE AND LET LIVE

Eveyone is paid to do a job of some description, Clarkson, Hamilton, Blinged up truck drivers, even our very own Rikki. Just you don’t agree with their opinions or level of skill or choice in job, it doesn’t give you the right to criticise.

This isn’t a rant, just my thoughts. I never claimed to be right. I don’t care!
I’m going for my tea, do yr worst. :wink:

do you know rob… you write some ■■■■■■■■ :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

if your that bored go for a jog or something :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: thats what my mum used to say to me when i phoned home bored on a night out. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Indeed…you should “take yourself in hand” young man! :laughing: :open_mouth:

Its been a funny old week, CLARKSON got a slating from some for doing his job (very well) The RHA jumped up and started shouting the odds, shame they weren’t so clever when fuel was going thru the roof! :unamused:
Lewis Hamilton done us proud in the formula 1, yet the lad gets slated cos hes black and a tax exile? I even heard some muppet on radio2 say that it was no achievement cos he was only as good as his car? Does this prat think the same when it comes to trucks? Does that mean that a Volvo driver is a better driver than a DAF driver? I think not.
Then theres the world of TRUCKNET UK, Blinged up trucks raises its ugly head again, as do bottles of urine! You think the bottles are bad, wednesday lunchtime i pulled into Chievely services, sitting there minding my own business, eating and drinking . An ASDA Scania pulls up alongside, the driver decides to come over and compliment me on my truck. Always nice to get appreciation. We’d been chatting for about 10 mins when suddenly he literally turned on the spot and proceeded to urinate on the floor next to his truck ! He even continued with the conversation! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Well i finished my lunch and made my excuses. Its a funny old world. But before you start jumping up and down cos something has rattled yr cage, just think, does it really matter? There are children all around the world suffering, even in the UK. Somewhere tonight there’s a child thats scared, alone or in pain. I was one of those children.

The point of this thread? Do i need a point? Pointless threads appear everyday, its a free world. But if i have a point? It would be LIVE AND LET LIVE

Eveyone is paid to do a job of some description, Clarkson, Hamilton, Blinged up truck drivers, even our very own Rikki. Just you don’t agree with their opinions or level of skill or choice in job, it doesn’t give you the right to criticise.

This isn’t a rant, just my thoughts. I never claimed to be right. I don’t care!
I’m going for my tea, do yr worst. :wink:

Here ZBing here ! (was that creative enough? :wink: )

It’ll do nicely thank you. :wink: LT

I never known anyone to talk about so much but i liked it haha, but maybe your loosing the plot or something haha

Does that mean that a Volvo driver is a better driver than a DAF driver?

…of course we’re better than DAF drivers! We’re better than everyone! :laughing:

Dude, you forgot to mention the USA’s 1st Black president…a milestone week indeed for black people the world over. Here’s to a truly integrated and harmonious future for us all.

I think he will be really good for all of us.

You aint half gettin deperate mr Vain :laughing:

Indeed…you should “take yourself in hand” young man! :laughing: :open_mouth:

Or find someone else to !!! :blush: :blush:

You never once mentioned my mudflap and GV9 you ■■■■■!!! :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

what you had a GV9 for little un?

So JD thinks i talk a load of ■■■■■■■■, Shrek thinks i need relief, a 15yr old kid thinks i’m losing it, marbles thinks i’m desperate,an little enis is still wittering on about his mudflap. I 'm not sure what Goaty said. But either way, all i did was air my opinion, which i might add none of you disagreed with?
I reserve the right to talk ■■■■■■■■ (so many on here seem to get pleasure from it) as for relief? well i have got some things off my chest. As for Joshh, my dear boy, as you grow up you will have your moments, we all do. Maybe i’ll witness yours on here… Marbles, desperate? Desperate is the look on everyones face when you drive into the yard on a friday!

As for you little E, i’ll deal with you in private, i’ve heard about the conversation you had about me and my brother Matthew!

None taken. :wink:

Im 15 maybe the youngest member on Trucknet take it easy on me :laughing:

  1. You’re at least 7 times older than our youngest member.
  2. We don’t even give HATO’s an easy time, why should we start doing so with you? :laughing: :laughing:

So JD thinks i talk a load of ■■■■■■■■, Shrek thinks i need relief, a 15yr old kid thinks i’m losing it, marbles thinks i’m desperate,an little enis is still wittering on about his mudflap. I 'm not sure what Goaty said. But either way, all i did was air my opinion, which i might add none of you disagreed with?
I reserve the right to talk ■■■■■■■■ (so many on here seem to get pleasure from it) as for relief? well i have got some things off my chest. As for Joshh, my dear boy, as you grow up you will have your moments, we all do. Maybe i’ll witness yours on here… Marbles, desperate? Desperate is the look on everyones face when you drive into the yard on a friday!

As for you little E, i’ll deal with you in private, i’ve heard about the conversation you had about me and my brother Matthew!

None taken. :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: what about icylady dont you want to explain that one. :question: :question: :question:

jessicas dad:

So JD thinks i talk a load of ■■■■■■■■, Shrek thinks i need relief, a 15yr old kid thinks i’m losing it, marbles thinks i’m desperate,an little enis is still wittering on about his mudflap. I 'm not sure what Goaty said. But either way, all i did was air my opinion, which i might add none of you disagreed with?
I reserve the right to talk ■■■■■■■■ (so many on here seem to get pleasure from it) as for relief? well i have got some things off my chest. As for Joshh, my dear boy, as you grow up you will have your moments, we all do. Maybe i’ll witness yours on here… Marbles, desperate? Desperate is the look on everyones face when you drive into the yard on a friday!

As for you little E, i’ll deal with you in private, i’ve heard about the conversation you had about me and my brother Matthew!

None taken. :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: what about icylady dont you want to explain that one. :question: :question: :question:


MR VAIN for prime minister… spot on what you said nice point great mate life to short

You been drinking the polish again Rob lol
Nice speech good thoughts
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


The patience of most :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

post ■■■■■ :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

the amount of post you put on since march you must drive along with the laptop on your lap… whoops forgot hatos :blush: :wink:


Its been a funny old week, CLARKSON got a slating from some for doing his job (very well) The RHA jumped up and started shouting the odds, shame they weren’t so clever when fuel was going thru the roof! :unamused:
Lewis Hamilton done us proud in the formula 1, yet the lad gets slated cos hes black and a tax exile? I even heard some muppet on radio2 say that it was no achievement cos he was only as good as his car? Does this prat think the same when it comes to trucks? Does that mean that a Volvo driver is a better driver than a DAF driver? I think not.
Then theres the world of TRUCKNET UK, Blinged up trucks raises its ugly head again, as do bottles of urine! You think the bottles are bad, wednesday lunchtime i pulled into Chievely services, sitting there minding my own business, eating and drinking . An ASDA Scania pulls up alongside, the driver decides to come over and compliment me on my truck. Always nice to get appreciation. We’d been chatting for about 10 mins when suddenly he literally turned on the spot and proceeded to urinate on the floor next to his truck ! He even continued with the conversation! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Well i finished my lunch and made my excuses. Its a funny old world. But before you start jumping up and down cos something has rattled yr cage, just think, does it really matter? There are children all around the world suffering, even in the UK. Somewhere tonight there’s a child thats scared, alone or in pain. I was one of those children.

The point of this thread? Do i need a point? Pointless threads appear everyday, its a free world. But if i have a point? It would be LIVE AND LET LIVE

Eveyone is paid to do a job of some description, Clarkson, Hamilton, Blinged up truck drivers, even our very own Rikki. Just you don’t agree with their opinions or level of skill or choice in job, it doesn’t give you the right to criticise.

This isn’t a rant, just my thoughts. I never claimed to be right. I don’t care!
I’m going for my tea, do yr worst. :wink:

WTF :confused: But I do agree with one thing, live and let live. :smiley: . There’s hope yet. :smiley:

Rob K:

Its been a funny old week, CLARKSON got a slating from some for doing his job (very well) The RHA jumped up and started shouting the odds, shame they weren’t so clever when fuel was going thru the roof! :unamused:
Lewis Hamilton done us proud in the formula 1, yet the lad gets slated cos hes black and a tax exile? I even heard some muppet on radio2 say that it was no achievement cos he was only as good as his car? Does this prat think the same when it comes to trucks? Does that mean that a Volvo driver is a better driver than a DAF driver? I think not.
Then theres the world of TRUCKNET UK, Blinged up trucks raises its ugly head again, as do bottles of urine! You think the bottles are bad, wednesday lunchtime i pulled into Chievely services, sitting there minding my own business, eating and drinking . An ASDA Scania pulls up alongside, the driver decides to come over and compliment me on my truck. Always nice to get appreciation. We’d been chatting for about 10 mins when suddenly he literally turned on the spot and proceeded to urinate on the floor next to his truck ! He even continued with the conversation! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Well i finished my lunch and made my excuses. Its a funny old world. But before you start jumping up and down cos something has rattled yr cage, just think, does it really matter? There are children all around the world suffering, even in the UK. Somewhere tonight there’s a child thats scared, alone or in pain. I was one of those children.

The point of this thread? Do i need a point? Pointless threads appear everyday, its a free world. But if i have a point? It would be LIVE AND LET LIVE

Eveyone is paid to do a job of some description, Clarkson, Hamilton, Blinged up truck drivers, even our very own Rikki. Just you don’t agree with their opinions or level of skill or choice in job, it doesn’t give you the right to criticise.

This isn’t a rant, just my thoughts. I never claimed to be right. I don’t care!
I’m going for my tea, do yr worst. :wink:

WTF :confused: But I do agree with one thing, live and let live. :smiley: . There’s hope yet. :smiley:

WTF YR SELF! Is the great Rob K saying that WE should live and let live? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: