The truth about food

did any one watch the programme on bbc2 this evening titled “the truth about food” pfor part of the show they followed to truckers whos weekly run is from the uk to turin. there diet was not to good mainly consisting of fry ups and cold tinned food, the two blokes suffer from allot of constipation due to there diet and with the nature of the job they obviously sit allot. might seem like a pretty stupid post but since i started driving i have suffered from this and its not very plesant. i have cutout bread which has made a huge difference and now eat loads of fruit and salads. what do you guys do for food when you are on the road. do you eat junk all the time or do you try and eat healthy. its not easy eating healthy all the time when you work 12-15 hour days, theres on ly so much you can take with you for a day.

I just flicked over whilst watching BB but had to laugh

Just watched an hours worth of dribble about what a traffic officer had to deal with in a days work then I saw the image of a truck.

It would seem that the most interesting thing that happens in a truckers day is a journey of a turd through the bowls. I recon that sums our job in a perverse kinda way

I agree that although driving is a tiring job you are still sitting on your rear end and not burning the calories and truckstops dont always offer anything other than fry ups.
I am pleased to say that the truck stop I use now offers bog bowls of cereals and porridge for drivers who want it and was surprised by how many were pleased to have this option.
Just because guys drive as truck it does not mean they want to eat grease.
When you get over the water the food on ofer improves immensely so perhaps now we have so many european workers over here the cafes and truckstops may start to re think their menus.

Perahps it’s as a result of all those visits ‘across the pond’, but I’m quite happy to start the day with a bowl of chilli.

What could be better on a Winters’ morning than a bowl of stew and a wodge of bread? Far healthier. Cheap and easy to prepare, and little waste.

Bouillabaisse? - It must be Friday.

Bouillabaisse? - It must be Friday.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I’ve seen drivers in Germany start the day with a bowl of goulash soup or a bowl of eintopf, a sort of stew/soup, often served with a sausage floating on top of it. I’ve had this myself on cold winter mornings and it certainly is a great warming start to the day.

great warming start to the day ?if at home,bowl of oats,on the road cornflakes,etc,as for main meals depends on where your parked up,try to keep diet good if poss.

at home for breakfast a cup of tea and loads of biscuits, when out greggs for a cup of tea, sausage roll and mince pie.
old hand who was with me the other day said id die young :open_mouth: as if you dont eat properly, you dont zb and if you dont zb you die[ and he wasnt laughing when he said it :frowning: :frowning:

My favorite breakfast is bagels, cream cheese, olives and /or lox + coffee,though this is hard to find outside the metropolitan areas. If not then bacon egg and cheese roll.

Don’t bother with lunch most days, though I love hamburgers so once in a while I get one.

Dinner is more difficult on the road.I hate truckstop food ,it’s overpriced and un appetising . Usually go for Italian,most towns have them,it’s good and inexpensive.

I had to stop carrying food in the truck.I have no self control. :blush:

I must be one of the minority as I cant stand the ‘Great British Breakfast’ I only eat that if there is seriously no other choice. I prefer toast and marmalade andy day or a nice cereal.
Lunch could be a salad roll and dinner tuna pasta or another bowl of cereal.
Most truckstops offer this now which is a lot better than the greasy spoons of yesteryear.

did any one watch the programme on bbc2 this evening titled “the truth about food” pfor part of the show they followed to truckers whos weekly run is from the uk to turin. there diet was not to good mainly consisting of fry ups and cold tinned food, the two blokes suffer from allot of constipation due to there diet and with the nature of the job they obviously sit allot. might seem like a pretty stupid post but since i started driving i have suffered from this and its not very plesant. i have cutout bread which has made a huge difference and now eat loads of fruit and salads. what do you guys do for food when you are on the road. do you eat junk all the time or do you try and eat healthy. its not easy eating healthy all the time when you work 12-15 hour days, theres on ly so much you can take with you for a day.

As you’ve found out for yourself, the only reason they had a diet of fry-ups and cold tinned food is because they chose not to have anything else. There’s plenty of options available especially on the continent where they have far better truckstops than ours.

on the Test the Nation that featured truckers Paul Scholfield talk to 2 drivers about eating habits one said that you could get a nice salad at Crawley Crossing and the other was a Fry up fan

who got the trophy for highest score in the studio
well it wasnt me :blush:
it was the fry up man :laughing:

must get the dvd out and watch me in action again :unamused: