The TruckNet UK Charity Party - The Aftermath

Firstly can I thank everyone who came, We hope you all enjoyed yourselves… yet again you all surpassed yourselves with your genourosity and the total raised on the night was an astounding £2300… as announced we do also have an HGV driving course to auction via the forums and so that total will increase significantly. - many thanks also to all the supporters who donated such a large amount of quality items.


For those who couldnt make it this year, a few bits and peices about the night, the headcount attending was @50 but no-ones quite sure as when we thought about counting the free bar had been used quite a lot :wink: - Talking of which, the only let down of the night was, despite my best efforts, we again didnt manage to drink all the bar tab budget- Must try harder next year :frowning:

I can confirm that there were allegations that there was attempts by various people to blackmail, bribe and influence the auctioneer, I can also confirm that this true and that almost all of these were successful :slight_smile: and raised a few laughs on the way.

There are way to many people to thank for making this a great night again, the list of supporters is in a topic just below this, but two people i would like to mention are Sandra and James, staff members from Road Transport Media, (the owners of this website) who gave up their weekend and free time to attend the event to help out.

Roll on 2014 :grimacing:

I get the feeling my pockets would never be deep enough. (I’m a professional driver remember). But maybe I will see if I can book myself into TNUK Charity Event 2014

I get the feeling my pockets would never be deep enough. (I’m a professional driver remember). But maybe I will see if I can book myself into TNUK Charity Event 2014

Most of us are only drivers (don’t know if I’m professional :open_mouth: ) just helping with what you can is something that’s needed to help others, besides free booze and some laughs is a big plus ! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


I get the feeling my pockets would never be deep enough. (I’m a professional driver remember). But maybe I will see if I can book myself into TNUK Charity Event 2014

Most of us are only drivers (don’t know if I’m professional :open_mouth: ) just helping with what you can is something that’s needed to help others, besides free booze and some laughs is a big plus ! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

what Trev said :grimacing:

was a great night, and lots of money raised for the charity :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

I get the feeling my pockets would never be deep enough. (I’m a professional driver remember). But maybe I will see if I can book myself into TNUK Charity Event 2014

Mate, everyone ( I think) went home with something no matter how much they had with them… While some folks did pay a little over the odds for the smaller items, I think most also got a bargain or two on the higher end stuff- even those who were a little strapped for cash, its the way an auction without any apparent rules works :wink:

One person even got a high end item without even being there /bidding or paying - Its up to that person if he wants to reveal who they are or what they got though - another person wanted a special item for a special reason ( again it is up to that person top reveal details if they wish ) but it was beyond their means so folks there clubbed together a few quid each and got it for them, it is that sort of night- :grimacing: :grimacing:


I get the feeling my pockets would never be deep enough. (I’m a professional driver remember). But maybe I will see if I can book myself into TNUK Charity Event 2014

Most of us are only drivers (don’t know if I’m professional :open_mouth: ) just helping with what you can is something that’s needed to help others, besides free booze and some laughs is a big plus ! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I guess breaking it down 2300 / 50 is £46 a person.

I just wouldn’t want to look like I was scrounging free beer if all I could afford was 30 quid.

I just wouldn’t want to look like I was scrounging free beer if all I could afford was 30 quid.

Its not that sort of night mate- there is no judging, or anyone flashing “whose got the biggest wad” :wink: around, if you can spend £30 thats £30 the charity wouldnt have had, and for £30 you would have had a cracking night, hard to do these days !! :open_mouth:


I just wouldn’t want to look like I was scrounging free beer if all I could afford was 30 quid.

Its not that sort of night mate- there is no judging, or anyone flashing “whose got the biggest wad” :wink: around, if you can spend £30 thats £30 the charity wouldnt have had, and for £30 you would have had a cracking night, hard to do these days !! :open_mouth:

is the correct answer

plus, you get to swear at the mods and tell them what you think (for free) :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

plus, you get to swear at the mods and tell them what you think (for free) :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Or the otherside of the coin,
the Mods get to swear at the members and dont have to bite their tongues… :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: - I have lost count over the years how many folks that the team have had “words with” have come to the “do” and have had a cracking night sinking a couple beers with the mods :wink: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

as announced we do also have an HGV driving course to auction via the forums and so that total will increase significantly.

Any more details on this?

My mate was talking about HGV courses today, and I told him about this, so will have to keep an eye out.


as announced we do also have an HGV driving course to auction via the forums and so that total will increase significantly.

Any more details on this?

My mate was talking about HGV courses today, and I told him about this, so will have to keep an eye out.

We just have to just have to dot the “I’s” and cross the “T’s” on the deal, so hopefully will be able to announce it properly this week and just how we are going to run it.

Rikki .you mentioned on FB about some items not gone an putting them on ebay , a link would be good when you do :grimacing:

Or even put them up on here,so that members who couldn’t make it to the ‘do’ can have a bid before ‘Joe Public’. Just a thought. :slight_smile:

A great night for me too along with daughter Angela. T’was good to see so many old faces and a few newer ones as well.
As I said I was absolutely gobsmacked at the generosity of the room, what other group of workers dig so deep to help others? I was going to say there were bargains galore but thanks to Rikki getting on a bit and mishearing bids. “£25 did you say £35? Done”; lets say there was some great deals. There are going to be some very pleased Grandkids as well as a few older kids as well.
As a trustee of the Professional Drivers Foundation I’m now tasked with making sure all your contributions are put to good use, a task I and the other trustees won’t take lightly.

Thanks also to Rikki, Lucy, and all others who set this up, the donors of all the items (there was some cracking stuff) and of course the bar staff who worked so hard to keep up.

It makes I proud to be a lorry driver. :smiley: :smiley:

Rikki .you mentioned on FB about some items not gone an putting them on ebay , a link would be good when you do :grimacing:

there is only one item from the auction that didnt reach the reserve- that has been given to the PDF to put on EBAY - but I am sure that a link will be posted on here to it.

A heart felt thanks to all involved for the fantastic donation to the PDF . Looks like a good but expensive time was had by all. Every penny we get goes directly to drivers who have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own .
Once again thank you . Eric the Judge . PDF Trustee .

Thanks from me (and Sarah) for a great evening. I was astounded by everyone’s generosity, and it was good to put some faces to names too. My wallet was very efficiently emptied by Rikki and Lucy - they even let the moths out!

And at the risk of sounding like an Oscars speech, I’d like to pass on RTM’s thanks to everyone who came and helped to make it such a success.


I get the feeling my pockets would never be deep enough. (I’m a professional driver remember). But maybe I will see if I can book myself into TNUK Charity Event 2014

Mate, everyone ( I think) went home with something no matter how much they had with them… While some folks did pay a little over the odds for the smaller items, I think most also got a bargain or two on the higher end stuff- even those who were a little strapped for cash, its the way an auction without any apparent rules works :wink:

One person even got a high end item without even being there /bidding or paying - Its up to that person if he wants to reveal who they are or what they got though - another person wanted a special item for a special reason ( again it is up to that person top reveal details if they wish ) but it was beyond their means so folks there clubbed together a few quid each and got it for them, it is that sort of night- :grimacing: :grimacing:

well i got a text on the night and have just spoken to goaty on the dog and bone and i’d like to thank you all very much for the scania bag (is it because i din’t get the man bag last year :laughing: :laughing: ) yes i’m out of work at the mo or i’d have been to the do my self i was gutted to miss what is a great night but i will be there next year this is the first do i’ve missed since joining trucknet :cry: well i’m glad you all had a great night and hear’s to next years do :smiley: :smiley: and just one more time thank you all :smiley: :smiley:

On behalf of the PDF I’d like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Trucknet UK for organising the Charity auction for the Professional Drivers Foundation, Longford House at Cannock for hosting it, Road Transport Media for supplying the free bar and everyone who donated something towards the auction.
To Rikki & Lucy and James & Sandra, thanks for giving up your free time to do this.

Without their efforts, it wouldn’t have been possible for a group of drivers and friends to gather together and raise funds for the Professional Drivers Foundation, the only charitable organisation dedicated to helping drivers.

It was a superb effort for the second year running by everyone concerned and never ceases to amaze us how many of you are prepared to give up your time and money to help others in need.
The official version of this will be a bit more formal but on a personal note I’d just like to say how much we enjoy meeting old friends again each year at Cannock and I realise how financially tight this year has been for everyone.

I also know how much effort and budgeting has been put into getting to the ‘do’ so to find the money to raise a total of that amount, is really fantastic.

There are a couple of items to go on Ebay and one is in the post to me so as soon as that arrives I will post the links on here so you can all have a bid if you want to!
So good to see the original Zzarbeen is still on form and here to haunt you with his zb’s too.

It would appear that the auctioneer got it wrong and actually bought something instead of selling it …but Lucy made him pay up too!

Many thanks to everyone.
