The Sweeney on now! Regan is a lorry driver!

The Sweeney ITV4, its the one when Regan is a lorry driver, lots of nostalgia and dodgy old British trucks!!

Nice one just turned over.

Nianiamh has lent me the box set of The Sweeney, I watched that one the other day, love the old cars and lorries in it, that’s what I look for most of the time I’m watching, although I do get distracted by mini skirts and ■■■■ me boots :wink:

The Sweeney ITV4, its the one when Regan is a lorry driver, lots of nostalgia and dodgy old British trucks!!

Saw it years ago just trying to remember, was it a TK furniture van sort of thing :question:

Great show and fantastic theme music! Still very watchable now. Used to love them old grannies, had a couple on my tail one night when I was a lad! :wink:
No they didn’t get me!

Jack Regan and “The Sweeney”.

My old man was in the Sweeney at the same time as this was on TV in the 70`s. Watching Regan on TV was like watching my dad,
My old man WAS Jack Regan, same attitude to “Slags” , “Blaggers” and “Villans”, his bosses, everything.

He drank to much scotch and smoked to many cigarettes, even brought his gun home with him a few times which, when you`re a kid, is a pretty cool thing for your dad to do!! :smiley:

Wouldn’t fit in to well nowadays though, he was never really the “sensitive, understanding” type!! :laughing: :laughing: