Got a delivery to Top Shop on the Strand at some point tomorrow, Has anyone ever delivered there as no idea where loading bay is. can’t stop outside as the road is to busy.
Drop it off at Scratchwood & tell 'em to come & fetch it.
Some on here won’t be able to find Scratchwood…
get the office to ring them
Durnham house street which is a dead end but ok in van need to reverse in if bigger ,you can come in on strand turn right adam st or from vicky embankment turn right embankment place ,villers st .john adam etc have a look on map gl.
Looks like its south of the strand off of John Adam Street. …
020 7839 4144
Some on here won’t be able to find Scratchwood…
Durnham house street which is a dead end but ok in van need to reverse in if bigger ,you can come in on strand turn right adam st or from vicky embankment turn right embankment place ,villers st .john adam etc have a look on map gl.
Thanks for the info.
Some on here won’t be able to find Scratchwood…
Sorry, London Gateway !
Why did they change the name