The state of the roadsides


Ive never left rubbish in a layby, always bag it and either dump in a bin at the depot or take home…


I just don’t understand why it’s so difficult for people not to do this. When I’m fuelling up at the end of the shift, I open the passenger door and any rubbish is on the floor waiting to go in the bin. When I was tramping, I had a rubbish bag.

Yep my truck has a domestic locker, spare loo rolls, k roll and bin bags for cab rubbish and black bag for the trailer. Not hard is it?

Quite a lot of the plastic and other light material along the verges is out of waste bulkers, skips and bins. The vortex swirling behind the cab picks it up and drags it out of the gap between the top of the body and the sheet.

With waste being moved considerable distances to landfill or incinerators it means a lot more miles being travelled.

Obviously that is only some of it but along the routes towards major landfill sites it is noticeable. It would be better if the bulkers had a sealed lid system rather than nets that are full of holes.

If your bin men are like our bin men they put half in the truck and half on the road then drive on and leave it there

Slip road M66 Pilsworth Bury sums it up always bad. Empty cans cups takeaway boxes bottles of ■■■■

It would help to have a non-full bin in the layby. From what I’ve seen mostly driving at nights so not much :unamused: , nearly all bins are over-filled with stuff so even if you want to use it you can’t (which is not an excuse to toss rubbish into the grass); then you have fly-tippers, then it’s the rats and mice patrolling around and inside the bin so it takes a brave soul to attempt to open the lid.

More disgusting to me is car drivers/passengers lobbing coffee cups and food bags+waste directly onto the motorways. When I see this I wish for a ‘deactivate limiter’ button

If your bin men are like our bin men they put half in the truck and half on the road then drive on and leave it there

Probably because dirty ■■■■■ over fill their bins like this and the wind blows the loose stuff away before the bin tips fully, a lot of councils will not tip the bin if the lid is not closed, if people recycle properly there would be no need for bins stuffed to overflowing like this, spot the recycling in the bins below.

Why the ■■■■ should we pick up your potentially Covid covered masks, gloves and snotty tissues because you are too ■■■■■■■ lazy to recycle properly?

Slip road M66 Pilsworth Bury sums it up always bad. Empty cans cups takeaway boxes bottles of ■■■■

You wouldn’t do it outside your own house why is it acceptable elsewhere?

I follow that page truckers cleaning up Britain and I’m amazed at these guys giving up their 45mins or part of their daily rest to litter pick a lay-by. Really just good decent people that care.

I follow that page truckers cleaning up Britain and I’m amazed at these guys giving up their 45mins or part of their daily rest to litter pick a lay-by. Really just good decent people that care.

Hope they set the tacho to other work :neutral_face:


I follow that page truckers cleaning up Britain and I’m amazed at these guys giving up their 45mins or part of their daily rest to litter pick a lay-by. Really just good decent people that care.

Hope they set the tacho to other work :neutral_face:

I wondered how long it would be before a “tacho expert” waded in.
Your breaks can be spent doing absolutely anything you want. The guy that runs Truckers Cleaning Up Britain f/b page has covered this loads of times. Please, let’s not turn this into page after page of dirge about tacho rules

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I follow that page truckers cleaning up Britain and I’m amazed at these guys giving up their 45mins or part of their daily rest to litter pick a lay-by. Really just good decent people that care.

Hope they set the tacho to other work :neutral_face:

I wondered how long it would be before a “tacho expert” waded in.
Your breaks can be spent doing absolutely anything you want. The guy that runs Truckers Cleaning Up Britain f/b page has covered this loads of times. Please, let’s not turn this into page after page of dirge about tacho rules

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I can assure you that i am not a “tacho expert”
Said it as a joke, forgive me for not adding a smiley :unamused:




I follow that page truckers cleaning up Britain and I’m amazed at these guys giving up their 45mins or part of their daily rest to litter pick a lay-by. Really just good decent people that care.

Hope they set the tacho to other work :neutral_face:

I wondered how long it would be before a “tacho expert” waded in.
Your breaks can be spent doing absolutely anything you want. The guy that runs Truckers Cleaning Up Britain f/b page has covered this loads of times. Please, let’s not turn this into page after page of dirge about tacho rules

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I can assure you that i am not a “tacho expert”
Said it as a joke, forgive me for not adding a smiley :unamused:

I’ll let you off[emoji1787][emoji1787]

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Have all the roadside cleaners we used to see picking up grimy, but legal tender money - chucked in those jobs, following the “downturn in quality roadside rubbish” that came about because of the original lockdown?