The Routemaster

I hope this stirs some memories for the old hands. I’ve been meaning to take some snaps of the Routemaster for ages and as the sun was shining I got a couple while driving past today. Any older pics would be appreciated!!

Approaching from gate no1 roundabout…

passing the offices…

and the suites. The ground floor one with the green logos was Simon Boon’s offices.

And there was me thinking “Oh no not buses” :blush: :blush: :smiley: :smiley:

the outside doesnt do the inside justice[only kidding ]hope its had a refurb last time i visited its not somewhere i would be drawn back too!

Well Chorcheela I’m an owd 'un but you’ve got me beat with Routemaster.I know the buses :smiley: but not the office block.Where is it mate?

Chris Webb:
Well Chorcheela I’m an owd 'un but you’ve got me beat with Routemaster.I know the buses :smiley: but not the office block.Where is it mate?


i used to park for the night at the southside paper terminal and walk across to it for my dinner and a pint. :laughing: its been about 6 years since i was last there.

Last time I was at Felixstowe was in 1972 loading Vinyl Acetate out of a tank farm.
I suppose it’s altered a bit since then. :laughing:

oh blimey yeah, i was on Goodways and used park in the yard in sub station road and walk over for dinner and beer too

I remember the Routemaster very well, it was great for a good ■■■■■■■ One night, around 26 years ago, I went into the routemaster and had a session, trouble is, when I was waiting to build me air up, I dozed off for a couple of hours, then the little pop up things had activated and I had to pay to get out! :laughing:

blimey!! wel im told this was the trendsetter back in the day!!!

i worked in here 10 years ago when there was a shell garage out the front, brains im sure used to park a lot of their sheds outside there too if i remember right, maybe it was atkins, either way i used to feel sorry for the drivers (and tHAT WAS Bbefore i was driving!!)

never used the routemaster - we used to go on the beer in the caravan club on walton avenue

My dad used to drop me off at The Routemaster when he used to collect containers as I was about 11 I wasn’t allowed in the dock.
Can remember Chris Hudson scania 81 sleepers parked up outside 1977/1978

My dad used to drop me off at The Routemaster when he used to collect containers as I was about 11 I wasn’t allowed in the dock.
Can remember Chris Hudson scania 81 sleepers parked up outside 1977/1978

I remember writing to Chris Hudson to see if there was any continental driving jobs going, not sure if it was about 1974. They kindly wrote back saying, there was nothing at the moment but they would let me know when something became available, I am still waitng. :frowning: I was very impressed with their green Scania sleeper cabs.
Can anybody tell me anything about Chris Hudson or Chet Trux ( Chris Hudson European Transport ). I think Chet had a depot in Zeebrugge and used to run down to the Middle East in Spanish Pegasos. :slight_smile:

oh blimey yeah, i was on Goodways and used park in the yard in sub station road and walk over for dinner and beer too

Sub Station Road■■? Blimey,that’s going back a few years,early 80’s to be precise,when they had a bit of P&O Roadways yard and a corner of their office.

I started with them around 1983,and left in 1991.

Peter Miller had a Granada,Roger Jennings had a Cortina estate and I can’t remember what Harvey Macintyre had,but by the time I left they had something a bit more upmarket.

ive had a good few a nights out in the route master in the good ol days woking for DR BURT

I have done several nights money over the bar.

I worked for a German shipping company VTG and the office manager Volker had a slight drink problem, actually it wasn,t slight, he was permanently in cloud cuckoo land :stuck_out_tongue:

I normally used to run down on a Sunday and he would give me my work for the week, but then I used to have to drop my POD’s off between jobs, it was easier to find him in the bar.

The only thing that spoiled it was when they started contract parking and we struggled to get in.

The ‘Routie’ was my second home when I was on Maersk in the eighties. Had some good nights in there.
I haven’t been to Felix in years, so excuse my ignorance, is it no longer a truckstop?
I always seemed to end up there on a Friday night. Up at about 3am Saturday, into Trinity, one off, one on and back to Thurrock for about 6am.

Wheel Nut:
I have done several nights money over the bar.

I worked for a German shipping company VTG and the office manager Volker had a slight drink problem, actually it wasn,t slight, he was permanently in cloud cuckoo land :stuck_out_tongue:

I normally used to run down on a Sunday and he would give me my work for the week, but then I used to have to drop my POD’s off between jobs, it was easier to find him in the bar.

The only thing that spoiled it was when they started contract parking and we struggled to get in.

That would be Volker Kape then malc,are you sure you don’t mean Willy Ouster? He was the old boy who was permanently drunk,drove an old XJS Jag and always had bottles laying around the office.

Willy was the boss when I worked for the pair of them for a few months back in 1981ish when it ran under the banner of Tank Container Services,later to be taken over by Russell Davies.
The office then was in Anzani House,just up the road from No2 gate,and most of the building was let out to British Telecom.

I had an old F88 and my brother drove a DAF 2800,which I took over for a month or so after he left,I left a while later.

Willy had an old wooden cottage down at Felixstowe Old Ferry,near the golf course and he would often invite us down there for a BBQ and a few bottles of wine.
Man could he drink!


Wheel Nut:
I have done several nights money over the bar.

I worked for a German shipping company VTG and the office manager Volker had a slight drink problem, actually it wasn,t slight, he was permanently in cloud cuckoo land :stuck_out_tongue:

I normally used to run down on a Sunday and he would give me my work for the week, but then I used to have to drop my POD’s off between jobs, it was easier to find him in the bar.

The only thing that spoiled it was when they started contract parking and we struggled to get in.

That would be Volker Kape then malc,are you sure you don’t mean Willy Ouster? He was the old boy who was permanently drunk,drove an old XJS Jag and always had bottles laying around the office.

Willy was the boss when I worked for the pair of them for a few months back in 1981ish when it ran under the banner of Tank Container Services,later to be taken over by Russell Davies.
The office then was in Anzani House,just up the road from No2 gate,and most of the building was let out to British Telecom.

I had an old F88 and my brother drove a DAF 2800,which I took over for a month or so after he left,I left a while later.

Willy had an old wooden cottage down at Felixstowe Old Ferry,near the golf course and he would often invite us down there for a BBQ and a few bottles of wine.
Man could he drink!

I think we talked about this before Keith, Maybe Volker couldn’t drink very well and was just led astray by Willie :stuck_out_tongue:

It was the best job I ever had and eventually made good friends with Stuart who drove a 2800 for TCS. I had a W reg F10 which would put it around 1980/81

Was Stuart Willie’s son? I seem to remember the 2800 was bought for him,but he had a fall out with his old man and packed it in.

Or was Stuart the guy that took over when I left? If it’s the same guy he then got a new F10 in TCS colours and went on to work for Ancliff’s for quite a few years.
Quiet fella with metal rim glasses.

This is the F88 that TCS had malc,it was painted in LMS colours,who were another German outfit with an office in Anzani House,and operated trailers from Germany to the UK.

The manager at LMS,August Hinrichs,later went on to work at Schallenberg and Brinor.