The posting of copyrighted material

by dieseldave » Mon May 15, 2017 11:26 am

OK Chaps and Chapesses, it’s time for a heads-up. :smiley:

In my usual style… no names and no pack drill, but…

I’ve just fielded a very credible threat to sue TruckNet. :open_mouth:

In order to avoid the threat, I’ve had to remove some content from a topic.

Please be reminded that it is acceptable to post pictures that YOU took.
It is also acceptable to post somebody else’s pictures when you have specific permission to do so.

(No, I didn’t have DD’s permission to pinch his text and post it here :wink:

Just to clarify, making an image appear here from elsewhere on the net is not ‘copying’ so no breach of copyright - it’s the same image. It’s a feature of the web that does this. Anyone who uploads an image to the web has given permission for it to be seen on the web.

If you download the image and upload it again, that does breach copyright. But simply referencing it does not.

Disclaimer !

I am not a lawyer…

…but I had a conviction of my own overturned by properly explaining to the court how the web works.

It was alleged that ‘I’d sent offensive material’. My lawyer didn’t understand the web.

As the material was not in itself offensive, no law broken. Just that one person found it offensive. BUT by it being on a web page, they had to request the information. It was then automatically sent.

A linked to image simply allows a view of the source image in another location from the viewing location. A copy of the image is not made. No breach of copyright. It is effectively the same as visiting that page yourself - in effect, your browser has done it for you - on the instructions it found on the page you loaded.