The Next Iceland Video

Has anyone seen the video of the Saints lorry being towed off a roundabout in Chichester by a police discovery, only for the truck driver to reverse into the police car after?
Not sure if its old or new but cannot find it anywhere other than facebook.
If you want to see it check out the facebook page ‘Dude? wheres your load’

pure lack of communication both party’s need shooting :unamused:

I’d recommend watching this with the sound off

he managed to drive forward after the incident, so why didn’t he go all the way around?

Not sure if the guy taking the video is member on here or not but if you are -
You are one annoying,obnoxious ■■■■■■■■.
The guy is reversing in the dark with flashing lights sevrely hindering what he can see. Plus he is already fraught about the whole incident so far. And all YOU can do is video it,laugh like a muppet,call him names then post it on facebook? There’s only one ■■■■■■ in this clip and it’s you pal.
Did it occur to you that he might have been waiting on one of the dozen cops to say stop? That as far as HE knew he had plenty room? Nope,you were too busy thinking about all the “likes” and comments you were going to get.
If I was the saints driver and I saw you laughing id have rammed that phone so far up your arse people would think you had a phone shaped adam’s apple
And you even managed to miss the only mildly interesting bit about the video as well. That’s 5 minutes I wont get back now.

Never mind that video, have you seen the one called “They are among us, be afraid!”

I haven’t stopped laughing yet!

Bacon Sandwich:
Never mind that video, have you seen the one called “They are among us, be afraid!”

I haven’t stopped laughing yet!

No, cant find it on youtube either


Bacon Sandwich:
Never mind that video, have you seen the one called “They are among us, be afraid!”

I haven’t stopped laughing yet!

No, cant find it on youtube either

Bullys Bar :slight_smile: Do you know where your fuel filler is? - BULLY'S TRUCKSTOP BAR (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK


Bacon Sandwich:
Never mind that video, have you seen the one called “They are among us, be afraid!”

I haven’t stopped laughing yet!

No, cant find it on youtube either

Is it the cabbage at the petrol pump one?

■■■ happens, who knows how the wagon ended up there, avoiding a car or ineptitude who cares a few minutes wasted and the reversing was no great shakes no banksman or radio contact I am sure everyone will live, long live the erection with the camera you did us all a great service :unamused:



Bacon Sandwich:
Never mind that video, have you seen the one called “They are among us, be afraid!”

I haven’t stopped laughing yet!

No, cant find it on youtube either

Is it the cabbage at the petrol pump one?

Yep, that’s the bunny!



Bacon Sandwich:
Never mind that video, have you seen the one called “They are among us, be afraid!”

I haven’t stopped laughing yet!

No, cant find it on youtube either

Is it the cabbage at the petrol pump one?

Aah that one. Mrs M1cks couldn’t believe someone could be so dumb and coming from her, that is a massive compliment if you get what I mean :wink:

Was it the bird in the people carrier going around in circles? If so my Mrs got it straight away, the 21 year old lazy meph student son thing that leeches here (who knows everything that happens after 13.00hs :unamused: ) with a licence didn’t get it :unamused: :laughing: