The most boring truck to drive!

There must be some motors you hate driving or hope your boss doesn’t buy some . For me it’s the Renault Premium- nothing bad about it - just boring! Closely followed by the Axor

Scania’s, anything else I can put up with for the right money.

Have to agree about the ‘Hacksaw’ horrible things , also i have never liked anything Iveco - cheap & nasty :smiling_imp:

i cant see how a truck can be boring
a road yes
a truck can be easy to drive or hard
comfy or not
hate Kacksores and 93 Scanias

down hill kettle boilers… sooner read the phone book and watch tartan paint dry… only best thing what comes out of holland is the jamican woodbines :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Stralis. More irritating than boring. Hate the interior and seating position… :imp:

Anything without a clutch and gearstick.

I was gonna say my Auto Iveco Eurocrappo, but in fact it makes for very interesting driving, with the random gear changes on r/b’s, wooly suspension and it gives more thrills than any ride at Alton Towers when going downhill fully freighted.

Most Boring has to be the FH12 i drive with Auto box and cruise control, but the worst has to be either Foden or ERF…Both totally crap and built for the Boss not the worker!! This is my opinion and I will NEVER change my mind!

Being an agency bod, I`ve got to nominate ANY truck when the rate for the job is CRAP and/or Flat rate.

I`ll happily drive anything for GOOD money though… :open_mouth:

FH13 460, with “I” Shift, cruise, surround sound, aircon, 4 stage engine brake, NIce @ £12.00 PH + O/T, the only thing missing ?

A fit bird lying on the bed, waiting for my next break from driving IMHO :smiley:

Daf 2100, awful flat position of the steering wheel, along with the gearstick right beside the drivers seat.

Mercedes , late 80s to mid 90s, steering wheel the size of a dustbin lid,and the fact that the rigid version had poor turning circle and ■■■■■ Mirrors.
The Axor, just generally poor all round truck.

Bedford CF, should never have been allowed on road, and ERF’s from with the eaton splitters, could never get the hang of gear changing without the clutch.

7 and Half tonne Fod Cargo, slow and noisy.

Man rigid versions , you cant see half the drivers Mirror for the bit that seperates the drivers window from the quarter window. Poor designing.

Volvo Fe the firm got Volvo to send an bod down to show us what all the gadgets do when they were delivered he turned up looked in the cab and said "Oh theres nothing here for me to show you " turns out our trucks are below basic spec !!! I wonder how much the firm paid Volvo to come down and say that!

Another vote for the baxor, especially limited to 52!

I wouldn’t say the Axor was boring to drive, far from it. I used to drive a 2543 quite regular (the slap across 8-speed box, no splits) and loved how torquey the engines were on them. Used to shift like [zb] off a shovel, although it was hard work with no splits when loaded. Interior wise the Axor is incredibly boring though.

For ultimate boring trucks :

Renault Premium
Anything Iveco/Stralis
Anything ERF
Anything MAN
Anything without a clutch and stirrer

Anything with a speed limiter whilst running the Trans-Canada from Calgary to the Peg.850 miles of total boredom,mostly.

The small cabbed DAF, like sitting in a coffin. Bloody horrible thing.

When I first started driving I was taught that boring is good. A boring driver (in respect of his driving, not his conversation) is a good driver.

I did a short stint as a Chauffeur once and we were told there that “a good drive is one where the client is almost unaware that he is being driven. Drive as if you’ve got a full glass of water on the bonnet.”

Driving in a boring way saves fuel, brake linings, tyres and engine wear; it cuts down on pollution and it reduces stress for the driver, his passengers, and other road users.

IM (not so)HO we should all strive to be boring while we are working and save the exciting stuff for the track.

I suppose that a boring truck is one that is comfortable to drive, copes easily with the demands made on it, and allows you to get to your destination with the minimum of fuss and effort. Bring em - on I say.

Old ERF’s

Rob K:
I wouldn’t say the Axor was boring to drive, far from it. I used to drive a 2543 quite regular (the slap across 8-speed box, no splits) and loved how torquey the engines were on them. Used to shift like [zb] off a shovel, although it was hard work with no splits when loaded. Interior wise the Axor is incredibly boring though.

I borrowed one for 2 weeks from the dealer, and the engine was a real gem, shame they never fitted them to the Actros :frowning: .
Quite a pretty looking truck to and apart from the loud turbo whistle I was beginning to like it :neutral_face: , when I swapped it for my Megaspace I soon changed my mind though :grimacing: but still think that engine is one of the best :slight_smile:

DAF CF crap

Big Joe:
Old ERF’s

Rob K:
I wouldn’t say the Axor was boring to drive, far from it. I used to drive a 2543 quite regular (the slap across 8-speed box, no splits) and loved how torquey the engines were on them. Used to shift like [zb] off a shovel, although it was hard work with no splits when loaded. Interior wise the Axor is incredibly boring though.

I borrowed one for 2 weeks from the dealer, and the engine was a real gem, shame they never fitted them to the Actros :frowning: .
Quite a pretty looking truck to and apart from the loud turbo whistle I was beginning to like it :neutral_face: , when I swapped it for my Megaspace I soon changed my mind though :grimacing: but still think that engine is one of the best :slight_smile:

I thought the turbo whistle sounded quite sweet and not intrusive at all. I do however agree about the Actros though, dunno what happened to these but they always felt like they had a good 50hp less than what it said on the side.