the monkey house

ive just watched a video called spaghetti no junction and it follows 3 trucks belonging to ar-gs to italy anyway on the way down they call in at a routiers called the monkey house and its packed with drivers .the comentator says its famous with drivers throughout europe but they dont say where it is in france anyone know

jebus now you’ve got me thinking - it was on the climb up to the blanc but cannot remember where exactly, always popular with many nationalities and packed from 6pm onwards, i never remember actually seeing the monkey now i think about it :laughing:

jebus now you’ve got me thinking - it was on the climb up to the blanc but cannot remember where exactly, always popular with many nationalities and packed from 6pm onwards, i never remember actually seeing the monkey now i think about it :laughing:

I seem to remember a place on the left hand side heading up just before joining the then start of the autoroute in the early 80s. Was that it JJ? Would it be Bellegarde or Bonneville, can’t remember where the new road started now :confused: but I never stopped there, was always in the Bakehouse before the mad push over the mountain :wink: .

Salut, David.

yes it was on the left on a climb as you were going FR to IT and the parking was on the right under a steep bank/cliff, further on than bonneville i think but really cannot remember :blush:

another one i always tried to use was a wooden chalet on the left as you came home, next to a small lake in a some trees - oeufs jambon par excellence, but
i cannot remember exactly where that was either, i MAY have been more tired in those days :unamused: :frowning:

i cannot remember exactly where that was either, i MAY have been more tired in those days :unamused: :frowning:

How old are you mate? :open_mouth: Your posts are beginning to look a bit like mine :blush: :cry: :laughing: .

Can’t remember that one JJ, I must have been even tireder than you :open_mouth: .

Salut, David.

You are both in the right area but I also can’t remember exactly where it was. There were several popular stopping places on that run, The Algerians and The Bakehouse for example, but I would be hard pushed to remember where any of them where exactly.

Mind you I can’t remember what I had for breakfast so it isn’t really a surprise. :wink: :blush: :blush: :blush:

never liked the bakehouse particularly, or that s-hole at jayat

could probably take you straight to the algerians though, i went to nicolas in champs s/yonne to look at a trailer about 2 years ago and meant to call in but didn’t get time :frowning: