The mind boggles

i assumed after checking truck and seeing a-frame into back of cab and front panel missing of fridge this had been written by the fitter who had tried to sort the mess out, but was told it was written by the agency driver who missed the pin. :exclamation: :exclamation: ,lets hope he starts to practise what he preaches,ROCKET LAUNCHER,■■■■ me

Funny how its always an “agency” driver that does things like this, and never the companies own staff!

Funny how its always an “agency” driver that does things like this, and never the companies own staff!

accident report says his name and agency ,so id quess its a fair bet he is agency .

Regardless of who it was it’s bad practice to hook up to a trailer without lifting the legs off the ground but it’s still regularly done :open_mouth:

Seen it done several times. Also seen the legs being dragged across the ground and back and forth where the numpties don’t lift the legs at all attempting the ■■■■■■. Ever wondered why the legs are bent or murder tight ? I have actually watched one shoot out from a trailer after unhitching (without lowering suspension to make sure legs on ground) on a fairly old trailer it crashed to the ground and saw the fridge on the front unit drop a good inch from the rest of the trailer.

When I was on the milk last year a Rumanian driver tried to get under the trailer but couldn’t at first go. He took a run at it and smashed the skids off the back of the brand new Scanny! He only had to drop the suspension on the unit… :unamused: