The Insider

Ive just come across that Insider place since people are voting for threads, so I thought I better take a gander and see what it’s all about. I found this:

I once had the misfortune of spending a short spell on container work, in between proper jobs. It was not a prolonged experiment, as personally I like to spend my days actually driving the lorry, rather than just staring out of the windscreen at a dramatically unchanging view for hours at a time or making intimate acquaintance with the bunk. There is an entire culture out there on the docks which is built around doing as little as possible for your money. Where more animated breeds of trucker base their boasting on the difficulty of getting either their wagon or load from A to B without incident, this lot compare notes on who did the best job of not moving it at all. Even better if they didn’t move themselves at all either.

The first time I came across a container terminal queue I thought I’d died and gone to hell. It made the average RDC waiting area look like a stunningly quick turnaround. In fact, I now know why RDCs tend to pull container trucks onto a bay first, regardless of where they are on the list. It’s because the drivers look far too happy when you make them wait. Or they would if they could be bothered to stay awake.
After about an hour my number still hadn’t come up on the little screen which calls you forward to a slot, so I shuffled off to the canteen in the hope that sod’s law would hurry things up. “You’re new to this then” said the bloke in front of me, after I’d told him of my plight. “This is nothing…I was here for 5 hours the other day.”
Three coffees later and I’d heard similar tales from every man in the place, invariably accompanied by expressions which can only be described as smug. Particularly pleased with himself was the guy who claimed to have spent three days at Southampton - “and after all that they cancelled the job!” Oh, the kudos.

LMAO! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: As a containerman of a fair few years standing, I laughed my ■■■■■■■■ off at that, great stuff whoever you are!

i know i did containers for 3 years i found it spot on that was me … the less i had to do the better.

it got to the point i resented doing the twistlocks :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

I have decided to retire next February, perhaps I should go on containers instead, that way I could get out of doing jobs at home too! :unamused: