The Haulier Group

Thanks my friend, they are a bit alusive

Thanks my friend, they are a bit alusive

I think a lot of haulage companies are a bit elusive.

Thanks my friend, they are a bit alusive

No problems Rog

Sounds like someone didn’t show up for work or walked off work if anyone has a bad word to say about halier group.

!, me and my pal jimmy have worked for haulier group for 2 years and never had an issue , lovely company to work for, they provide cleaners each week to clean cabs, they leave a goodie bag full of choloclate each week in cabs - wat company do you know of who does that? not many

you will be hard pressed to find a company that looks after their wagons and drivers

I recommend them to anyone who wants to work for a company that looks after its drivers

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Mr Smiler, shame on you.You joined 24hrs ago.This was exactly time I infomed because of the reviews on this site that I would not be starting on Monday 1/2/16…PS if I knew choccies were left for me for Monday start that
t might have swayed it for me.So ? ?. Smells of management to me. Good try tho

whats your pm, I will send you a photo of the goodie bags mate

or ask around when you meet one of our lot, sure they will tell you the same

or if ya see me on the road, look out for smiler in 15 plate t range

You are the only person to praise Haulier Group aka E-haul on this site,and that was coz they give you sweetie’s left in the cab for when you kick of on a Monday morning. Your right never had that done for me before.But was I wrong in displaying the terms and conditions that this company want you to work for.I’ve got it in black and white… You give it to me…Understand the names you work for prior to haulage they folded up " liquidaters words. Extroidanery Circumstances " advice get your holiday pay out of them…wish you welll as it is your choice

Hi everibody

anibody knows the real name of the company dealing as The Haulier Group?

The Haulier Group doesn’t exist as company itself…

Just walk away. If you were foolhardy enough to start, and are owed money, kiss it goodbye and chalk it up to experience.

As an aside, don’t you love a government that allows people to run a business like this?
If you or I go bankrupt, we loose our house, car, and won’t get more credit for at least six years. But run up large debts with a company, take out your dividend, and go bust. Then get your wife or partner to start up again next day. …

the nodding donkey:
Just walk away. If you were foolhardy enough to start, and are owed money, kiss it goodbye and chalk it up to experience.

As an aside, don’t you love a government that allows people to run a business like this?
If you or I go bankrupt, we loose our house, car, and won’t get more credit for at least six years. But run up large debts with a company, take out your dividend, and go bust. Then get your wife or partner to start up again next day. …

I’ver sued them but the London Tribunal cannot find them in the records

Hi everibody

anibody knows the real name of the company dealing as The Haulier Group?

The Haulier Group doesn’t exist as company itself…

It,s either continental cargo or cargo express.Spoke to one of their drivers the other day,they,ve got units based at most ports and rail heads.All plain rented motors.

I have discovered an iron rule.

Any company that uses the word “Group” prominently for its sales or recruitment, is either a scam, or it is a sweatshop.

The only genuine “groups” of companies are multinationals with diverse operations, who do not (because of the diversity of their operations) use the word “Group” in their sales or recruitment, save for if you are applying for a job which concerns the central administration of the group (i.e. a management job, or a PA to a manager).

Common sense would tell anyone to stay away from them!
How many company names are they called
Haulier Group
Haulier Group International
Northern Bulk
Continental Express
SG Movements

Truckserve Review

Mr Smiler truth if I see you in the docks trust me I won’t be talking about sweets or your mate Jimmy…you work for an ■■■■■■■■ company… Get real and wise up that they are using you…

I dunno about getting paid peanuts, but it looks like someone’s getting paid in sweeties

Finally got today the judgment vs The Houlier Group alias E-Haul ltd for paying me the 540 £ they owe to me for the week I ve wored for them.

Finally got today the judgment vs The Houlier Group alias E-Haul ltd for paying me the 540 £ they owe to me for the week I ve wored for them.

Well done…

You must be pleased.

Judgement and payment are two different things.

Rejoice when you’ve actually got the money in your account.

Well I found e-haul connected to a David Allon registered at 107 Robin Hood Lane, Chatham…nice gaff, was on the market earlier this year @ £650,000 according to Zoopla.

You re right but having a judgment it will be easier I hope. Anyway I wanted just to advice anybody to stay away from those Haulier Group, E-Haul etc…

Just to let you all know that after shutting down Bradford depot at Xmas and not paying the drivers their two weeks in hand - he’s changed the name of the company again to TMS group and is advertising for drivers in the south of England - same advert promising £550 pw - adverts are on indeed as are new contact numbers for those of you who are still waiting to be paid.