I drive a car and use a bike ON THE ROAD. I dont get up on the inside of trucks busses etc but if the traffic has stopped and i can get by i will end of. Truck drivers and bus drivers treat cyclist like dirt. Cutting us up, passing by really close air brake whilst we pass i can go on.
I respect all drivers and most respect me but truckers, bus drivers and cyclist do not mix. We need more cycle paths on main roads. My class 2 test is next week maybe my opinion will change. If we do not use them then we should be fined. Cyclist should also have to display some sort of i.d when riding on public roads to even the playing field and be easily identified as other motor vehicles do. I have seen cyclist do stupid things but i have also seen good ones.
Its easy for a cyclist to speed and get away it again how can we be identified. This is my opinion is the only way to combat this long standing problem
cyclist must be identified 2. more cycle paths 3. implement fines
I am wearing a bullet proof vest and hard hat so bring it on. I am sure you will play nice
I drive a car and use a bike ON THE ROAD. I dont get up on the inside of trucks busses etc but if the traffic has stopped and i can get by i will end of. Truck drivers and bus drivers treat cyclist like dirt. Cutting us up, passing by really close air brake whilst we pass i can go on.
I respect all drivers and most respect me but truckers, bus drivers and cyclist do not mix. We need more cycle paths on main roads. My class 2 test is next week maybe my opinion will change. If we do not use them then we should be fined. Cyclist should also have to display some sort of i.d when riding on public roads to even the playing field and be easily identified as other motor vehicles do. I have seen cyclist do stupid things but i have also seen good ones.
Its easy for a cyclist to speed and get away it again how can we be identified. This is my opinion is the only way to combat this long standing problem
cyclist must be identified 2. more cycle paths 3. implement fines
I am wearing a bullet proof vest and hard hat so bring it on. I am sure you will play nice
I often start work very early in the morning, and there is one particular cyclist who I have come very close to knocking him off his his bike on several occasions , Luckily for him I am a pro driver,and I am able to think out of the box. he never displays lights , he never wears any hi viz. clothing and never stops at junctions,He is an accident waiting to happen, and when it does ,the driver will be blamed.When I stopped one time and told him, I was told to EFF off and mind my own business,.
I drive a car and use a bike ON THE ROAD. I dont get up on the inside of trucks busses etc but if the traffic has stopped and i can get by i will end of. Truck drivers and bus drivers treat cyclist like dirt. Cutting us up, passing by really close air brake whilst we pass i can go on.
I respect all drivers and most respect me but truckers, bus drivers and cyclist do not mix. We need more cycle paths on main roads. My class 2 test is next week maybe my opinion will change. If we do not use them then we should be fined. Cyclist should also have to display some sort of i.d when riding on public roads to even the playing field and be easily identified as other motor vehicles do. I have seen cyclist do stupid things but i have also seen good ones.
Its easy for a cyclist to speed and get away it again how can we be identified. This is my opinion is the only way to combat this long standing problem
cyclist must be identified 2. more cycle paths 3. implement fines
I am wearing a bullet proof vest and hard hat so bring it on. I am sure you will play nice
I often start work very early in the morning, and there is one particular cyclist who I have come very close to knocking him off his his bike on several occasions , Luckily for him I am a pro driver,and I am able to think out of the box. he never displays lights , he never wears any hi viz. clothing and never stops at junctions,He is an accident waiting to happen, and when it does ,the driver will be blamed.When I stopped one time and told him, I was told to EFF off and mind my own business,.
Do you carry a shovel? Just in case you see him squished… No hi viz or lights, early hours of morning, deserves everything he gets. Surprised police haven’t pulled him. Hold on, how early is this occurring?