The General Election

Warren T. Claim wrote:
Which party is the most likely to represent the interests of the UK truck driver?

None! - We’re not important!

Wrong! We’re so important 'cos we move almost everthing that Joe Public buys so it’s important we’re kept at the bottom of the wages pile as any rise in our pay will be directly shown in the cost of living and it’s important that it don’t rise!

I’m thinking of voting torie :open_mouth:

I’m thinking of voting torie :open_mouth:

You could try voting NuLabour.

With road tax rises and fuel topping £1.20 a litre (rising almost daily), the trucking industry couldn’t wish for better expansion prospects.
With a treasonous idiot like gormless Gordon running the economy, the £ is going to be worth less than a dried up bake bean before much longer. NuLabour are determined to join the eurozone, by deliberately devaluing the pound, their argument becomes easier.
The more we come under control of the Brussels unelected bureaucrats, the less self determination we have.
If you think wearing a safety hat, safety boots and high viz at work is over the top, what are you going to think when we can’t leave our homes to buy a newspaper without a safety assessment being carried out?

Who would have thought 20 years ago council wardens would be prowling the street, fining people for flicking cigarette ash out their car windows, or not closing the lid on their wheelie bin to council standards, or bin men being told not to empty that bin because it’s 5 centimeters too far, or because it has grass in it?
CCTV on every corner, watching you, following you, spying on you. Your private e-mails and phone conversations, not only recorded but digitally stored for five years.
And it just goes on and on.

If you think wearing a safety hat, safety boots and high viz at work is over the top, what are you going to think when we can’t leave our homes to buy a newspaper without a safety assessment being carried out?

Who would have thought 20 years ago council wardens would be prowling the street, fining people for flicking cigarette ash out their car windows, or not closing the lid on their wheelie bin to council standards, or bin men being told not to empty that bin because it’s 5 centimeters too far, or because it has grass in it?
CCTV on every corner, watching you, following you, spying on you. Your private e-mails and phone conversations, not only recorded but digitally stored for five years.
And it just goes on and on.

But all of that is because we put up with it, the French still smoke in many bars, the Germans still do, the bins are emptied and put back where they come from and we have more cctv in one London borough than there are in Dublin, San Francisco, Johannesburg and Boston together. (BBC)

They may make the silly laws, but it is only us who follow them rigidly