the future


Of transport in 20 years

How will transport evolve or should I say devolve, in 20 years

What will the trucks look like

there all look like each other as there all be made by the same firm

What will the roads look like

what roads there be more pot holes and cones with no worker as there all be on heath and safety training

What will the attitude of other drivers be

There be none in the industry because of all the cost

What will the industry be like for the employee

Un appreciated, under paid, stressful

What will the new regulations we have to follow

DCPC will be a test and cost £1000 per year

What will the pay be (the same or even worse )

We won’t go there, because we no it will not be what were worth

What will the future be like for the new breed of driver

Tests, Tests, and more Tests

Do you think driving will be better in 20 years (or will we be overrun by cycles sorry had to say that :sunglasses: :stuck_out_tongue: )
No, in London the average speed will be 2 miles per hour, and the truck will not be allowed to park any where.
and there be 5 million cycles and there all have head cams.

Wow, doom and gloom much? I hate to say it but I think you are getting Cab Fever. Get out while you are still sane.

Dave the Renegade:
Probably be back to the horse & cart judging by the state of the roads. (

due to the state of the economy and goverment attitudes

They don’t have roads where we’re going Marty!