Following on from a thread about a driver getting parked for not having the correct documentation, I think there’s a need for a thread about dealing with people in positions of authority.
Lots of people assume that they’re doing something wrong even when they’re not (just watch how people behave around speed cameras, for example) just by the presence of a person or vehicle who by law has some authority over them. As pro drivers we are much more likely to be involved with various government agencies both here and abroad, so I’ve started this thread for people to share advice on how to act when dealing with civil servants. I’ll start with some that I’ve always tried to keep to.
Be polite.
Keep calm.
Never say anything other than a direct answer to a question.
Please help the newer guys and girls by adding your own advice, we do not and should not have to be afraid of government employees.
It always makes me wonder why the authorities get a hard time on trucking forums.
Surely if your a professional driver, what have you to be worried about?
Never ever volunteer information that has not been asked for .For example if Vosa ask for 28 days worth of tachos give them 28 days worth ,not 28 or 29 ,the extra ones may have an infringement
It always makes me wonder why the authorities get a hard time on trucking forums.
Surely if your a professional driver, what have you to be worried about?
because some authorities are pedantic, over officious ,power crazy sob’s and some drivers are less professional than others
It always makes me wonder why the authorities get a hard time on trucking forums.
Surely if your a professional driver, what have you to be worried about?
Targets and unfairness are what I worry about. In the days of “Ministry men” they were generally experienced mechanics who checked you at the side of the road and knew their way around a vehicle. There was no big brother stuff like ANPR, OCRS etc. They would generally talk straight and expect your answers to be the same.
Now we have mouthpieces dressed up like the Policemen they weren’t able to become, who are on low wages and make decisions based on a matrix, not from their own common sense.
Most people who get prosecuted by police have talked their way into a prosecution. Do not volunteer any more information than they ask for, do not hand them anything that may incriminate you or the company.
You may get a way with a bulb that has blown on your journey, but a bald tyre was bald when you set off, speeding & overloading is absolute but you are not going to help yourself if you say that you told the boss you couldnt get round your drops or that the lorry was always overloaded.
Wheel Nut:
Most people who get prosecuted by police have talked their way into a prosecution. Do not volunteer any more information than they ask for, do not hand them anything that may incriminate you or the company.
My approach to dealing with any official is yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir. Never answer any question that has not been asked…
Being stopped abroad i found opening the cab door and offer to shake their hand and learn the language did wonders to reduce court deposit at the road side to a ok on your way have a good day and not even check the tacho or paper work.If the tacho was good for the dsy you got stopped you were sent on your way.
The French did not like a 4.30 hour drive with no stops even though ghe law allows it.
They prefered more breaks.Or no more than two hours driving.
When dealing with VOSA and the police do not believe that they “know” the law.
They are as far as construction and use law the bloody amatuers.They will try and feed you all sorts of crap.Eg dog clips on 5th wheels that dont have dog clips,“remould” written on your tyres when it says regroovable,one light out on a cluster with 2 lights which is not illegal,only one tractor air bag inflated (quite normal) etc.
Hold your tongue (difficult!!) and ring somebody who does know.then say your piece and that you will see them in court.
Say they tell you that one of your tyres is illegal,get the brand number and tell them that you are going to get the tyre removed now and a new one fitted and the tyre will be produced in court.Do not move the truck.Make sure they get the brand number as well and sit there till the wheel/tyre is changed.
Dont let the SOBs intimidate you with their [zb]Thats how they get half their bloody prosecutions.
I always found that acting like a complete nutter worked well with foreign old bill, just keep repeating a ridiculous phrase in their language and grinning like an idiot as you do it.
I used to keep asking the BAG if I could take my jacket off, it was the only thing I could remember from German at school, folliwed it up with das ist gut yah and then give it the old ich bin ein Berliner.
Fail the “Attitude test” and you are in for a heap of trouble.
I’ve had a good laugh with some of them in the past.
(My first stop, I had the nameplate in the cab and after giving me the all clear “reported” me to the on site copper for having “evidence of Semtex” in the cab)
The attitude test is the most important 20second conversation off all, I’ve only been pulled by vosa once and the police a few times in my car always try and be well spoken and seem a bit half intelligent it makes you seem a bit less off a push over for them. I over heard a wpc give a new pc some advice on where to sit up and easy places to issue tickets etc as he needed to get more when I was once in a police station giving a statement so if they are that desperate to find something being straight with them and polite may result in the next poor bugger getting the brunt off there bs, and if you keep the lorry/car looking as if its well looked after they may not feel the need to look as closely as they would do a shed. I’ve always found the police respectful if you give them yours as soon as your door opens to them it’s like being out on a Friday night, leave a club with your head down and In a sensible manner they have no reason to look at you, leave screaming and shouting with your arms flapping around and you end up on the floor!