the adventures

hi,i have just found this site,by a fluke,it has revived my ailing memory,of the times that i traveled to the m/east,and who i met,like my old friend,■■■■ snow,sadly no longer with us,i first worked for mehmet ali
my first trip was turkey,and we were doing internal work for six weeks being turks they bribed the police
when ever we got pulled,since that episode i worked for,ukon trucking,tanker international,jimmy hassan,alan altug,had acouple of trucks of my own,one a renault was dutch reg,every trip to me was an adventure,i a lso worked for, ohs,i wish that i could have found this site earlier best wishes to all,peter

Hi Peter, I just want to welcome you to Trucknet-UK :smiley:

Sounds like you could possibly find a few old acquaintances here, whether you do or not I hope you enjoy your stay here :wink:

Welcome indeed Peter.

You worked for some range of companies there! We trust that you have a huge collection of photos? :smiley:


some of the trucks i ran this one is a renault dutch reg

Hi and welcome Peter!
Always nice with some new storys and pictures.
Love that old Scania 111 tag!

Reg Danne from Sweden

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[attachment=0]26-12-2013 13;52;31.jpg[/

When people ask me what was it like back then.
I have to say it was not a job,or even a way of life,it was the greatest adventure anyone could have embarked on.
Looking back,we were so lucky to have been there at that time,because it will never happen again.
It changed many lives,in many ways.
While not going into detail,I’m glad I’m one lucky chap because I’m still married to the same girl!

hi thats why i titled this as the adventures,to me it was there was always something going wrong or right, i remember reaching around hascovo in bulgy,got a police stop, they were advising drivers to go by
the black sea coast and enter turkey at derikoy,as the was a 16 kilometre back log at kapicula,over a week
waiting so away i went,not realising it was a transit only border,i was there for 3 weeks,till i got the ok
from the kapic director,and then had to have a customs guy travel with me to istanbul,see what i mean,regards peter supple

peter supple:
some of the trucks i ran this one is a renault dutch reg


Any idea whos Merc you are parked next to . . looks like a Brit reg ?

19-03-2014 10;36;16.jpg
19-03-2014 10;36;16.jpg

peter supple:

Welcome aboard Peter. In your quiet moments you might explore the Nottingham bus firm thread (which despite its title is about M/E adventures) and of course the Astran / Middle East drivers thread. Plenty of adventures on other threads too… Robert :slight_smile: