I have worked as a class 2 for the same company for just over 10 months now. I have not had an accident (my firm settled out of court to a driver that claimed I had hit his car, I didn’t, but never got to state my case in court). I generally do an Ok job, try not to moan too much etc!
A few months back they offered to train me up to class 1, providing I stayed with them for 2 years. I declined for the reason that I am moving away from this area soon and didn’t want to owe loads of money when I leave.
I independently got my class 1 recently, and asked if I could start driving artics. The reply was ‘No, our insurance doesn’t cover new drivers, you need 2 years experience. If you had trained through us, we would let you.’
What’s with that? So much for a drivers shortage.
I think that’s called being difficult cos you wouldn’t do it their way. 
I’m sure insurance companies aren’t bothered about who payed for a licence, they either have a set of terms or they don’t.
I think that’s called being difficult cos you wouldn’t do it their way. 
I’m sure insurance companies aren’t bothered about who payed for a licence, they either have a set of terms or they don’t.
1st I got told the terms are 2 years, no question. Then my boss says that they will get back onto the insurance company in 6 months to see if we can ‘sort something out’ (like I’ll still be there in 6 months).
Everyone blames the insurance company, it is an easy get out for a company.
I just insured my motorcycle and I had so many choices that could save me money.
If you dont carry a pillion,
If you only ride 5000 miles per year
If you dont ride within the M25
If you dont use it for commuting
If you only use it in daylight
If you only use it in summer
If you keep it padlocked and alarmed in a brick shed with 3 dobermans.
The companies will always go for the cheapskate option.
i dont know why they are being so difficult it wont make one bit of differance to the insurance if your training was paid by you or the company■■?
id leave and tell them the reason is you want to do artic work and see what they say i bet during your weeks notice they give you a chance … and if they dont stuff em go to an agency and more money than your job anyway.
why not stick with the rigid work, then if the company suddenly get stuck for a class 1 driver and ask you to drive, tell em to get stuffed, stating “how odd you suddenly changed your tune”