
Making a delivery in a not especially narrow residential street in Stoke. Returned to truck to find nearside mirrors in pieces and strewn over the road. ■■■■■■■■ didn’t even stop. Now at Imperial Commercials while they fit new ones :frowning:

Making a delivery in a not especially narrow residential street in Stoke. Returned to truck to find nearside mirrors in pieces and strewn over the road. [zb] didn’t even stop. Now at Imperial Commercials while they fit new ones :frowning:

The imp in me wants to say that’s a good excuse for knocking off your own mirrors … :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :smiling_imp:

Gits !
Hope you had your Hi Viz on whilst you were picking up the pieces in the road ?

Making a delivery in a not especially narrow residential street in Stoke. Returned to truck to find nearside mirrors in pieces and strewn over the road. [zb] didn’t even stop. Now at Imperial Commercials while they fit new ones :frowning:

So you’d parked on the opposite side of road facing the traffic? And Muckaway thought he was having a bad day.

My Daf has mirrors that fold in… just saying like :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

yeah I learnt the hard way too many years ago


Nearside mirror? So whoever hit it was driving on the footpath :question: :question: :open_mouth:

Nearside mirror? So whoever hit it was driving on the footpath :question: :question: :open_mouth:

bloody cyclist’s again :unamused:


Nearside mirror? So whoever hit it was driving on the footpath :question: :question: :open_mouth:

bloody cyclist’s again :unamused:

Ouch! I bet that hurt… :laughing: :laughing:

Yes, I was parked on the “wrong” side of the road (not that it makes the slightest difference - the thing doesn’t magically shrink when parked on the NS).

And yes, when unloading on a narrow or busy road, I’ll pull the mirrors in - guess I’ll be doing that a bit more from now on :frowning: