Th latest DVSA money maker,gonna ruffle a few feathers

Those of you on here that employ drivers may already be aware of this as my gaffer showed me the email he received outlining the “ramp up” period of it all kicking in.

Basically as of 1/1/16 all employers will legally have to log ALL infringments whether WTD or driving related into the DVSA database…no big deal I assumed,not quite!.

As of 1/1/16 all infringements will carry a financial penalty once logged onto the DVSA system,which if you’re all legal ect won’t affect you right■■?
Wrong!,the penalties are £20 for a WTD infringement and £30-50 for a driving time infringement…but,and this is what’s gonna cause a bit of an issue,to keep the costs down for DVSA they will require all UK registered drivers to “deposit” £200 into a secure holdings of which DVSA will have instant access to once infringements are logged,this will be to save money on sending letters to request the monies directly.

DVSA have put it to companies to deduct £30 a month from drivers wages from June 2015 to ensure all drivers have this £200 in place for the launch date of 1/1/15,either that or a driver can pay the full £200 in one go should he wish.
My gaffer ain’t happy as he knows it’s gonna cause uproar but it’s going ahead and has been approved by the government on the belief that it will reduce RTA’d blah blah blah

Yay what a life to be a trucker!!!

Happy April’s fools day :laughing:

was doing so well, and then went just a little too far :smiley:
nice one though

PS it is an Aprils fool, isn’t it :confused:

April Fool finishes at midday, suckered himself. :blush: :laughing:

I want to see the email - next to a packet of instant custard!

Nice one!! You know what though, it does sound like something they would do.

Don’t let them see this, they just might sent it to the ‘think tank’ idiots and God knows where it will grow from there! Next government will add it to some policy somewhere

would not surprise me one bit if they did,it did get me until one of the ops reminded me it was the 1st of april,lol

I wasted 5 mins of my break typing that out :smiley:

I wasted 5 mins of my break typing that out :smiley:

That would have took me my full 45 to type all that :open_mouth:


I wasted 5 mins of my break typing that out :smiley:

That would have took me my full 45 to type all that :open_mouth:

I’m only a young 'un,got all this technology and texting locked down :sunglasses:

I don’t even know what ‘locked down’ means,just sounds good :smiley:

Nice job :slight_smile:

I wasted 5 mins of my break typing that out :smiley:

Working on your break?

They’ll have you for that! :smiley:

Bacon Sandwich:

I wasted 5 mins of my break typing that out :smiley:

Working on your break?

They’ll have you for that! :smiley:

They can take it out my my £200 pot :smiley:

Is it the first of April, Bah you could have fooled me :unamused: :unamused:

don’t put ideas into their heads lol