Test tomorrow need advice uncoupling/coupling

Passed with 1 minor

Passed with 1 minor

■■■ spot on fella well done :wink:

Brillant tim!!! Pleased for you dude. How did you find uncouple coupling?

Brillant tim!!! Pleased for you dude. How did you find uncouple coupling?

Bag of nerves test guy was a grumpy old man

Kept saying hurry up and tutting !!!

But remembered the black code did a treat :slight_smile:))))(

Happy so happy

Well done

Sure that grumpy s@#$t put you under pressure. Would worry now bud you passed anyway :smiley: . Glad hear the BLACK worked for you also. I just went over in my head as i was doing it. And for coupling back up did BLACK in reverse. Cant go wrong :smiley:

Passed with 1 minor

Congratulations! Isn’t it a great relief when you hear “I’m pleased to tell you you’ve passed”?


Passed with 1 minor

Congratulations! Isn’t it a great relief when you hear “I’m pleased to tell you you’ve passed”?

My heart was racing when we both sat in cab lol

Anyone know what trg are like to work for !■■

:laughing: :laughing: well your done now. Just the finding work part. Good luck bud :smiley:

Nice one fella :slight_smile:


Get in :smiley: Well done buddy. Chuffed as punch for you.

I bet grumpy man didn’t say “I’m pleased to tell you…”. Presumably at best he might have grumbled “Okay you passed…now hurry up and be on your way”.

Anyway it doesn’t matter, you passed and that’s what counts - and one minor is an excellent drive. Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Congratulations Tim, 1 minor is a good result.