Test To Morrow

Hi Guys

Its come around so soon again, My test for C & E…and its a nice early one so I hope I get stuck in loads of traffic… :smiley:

Pass or Fail I dunno at this moment, it seems to be other drivers that either dont indicate or pull out on you when you dont expect that have cause passed failures…
They see a big lorry with L plates on and its the same attitude you get all those years ago when we all started learning to drive…

Last time, I made a point of asking the examiner when I returned from the road drive if I had I dont anything serious or dangerous… didnt see the point in wasting my time and his to do uncoupling exercise if I hadnt passed the drive…

But at the end of the day I need this C & E to move forward in my career, or should I say to change my career. Because the way I look at it, I can earn more money with a with class one liceince, that I can with a Class 2.

So the way I look at it currently if I need to do the test third , fourth and so on, then thats wats is gonna be.
I also have to look at the money that I am spending, as I am footing the bill for this single handed, as the company I work for would pay for this…

We shall see what tomorrow brings …

We’re rootin’ for ya…:grimacing:

I’ve got my C+E in the morning swampey, actually managed to get it in the bay today after a few goes, let’s hope I get it right first time tomorrow. If not then so what, worse things happen at sea. I know what you mean about car drivers, pulled away at a large roundabout today, nothing coming when I pulled away but as soon as I was moving a car came round like a bat out of hell, caused him to brake. I don’t know if that would have been a serious or not.
Good luck to you in the morning m8

Good luck to both of you, we’ll be expecting there to be some happy faces around here tomorrow :smiley: :wink:

Thanks tacho

Best of luck guys, I’m on C+E on Sat lunchtime out of Steeton ! Lots of it going on this week !


Good luck to all you guys…

If your funding the training yourself, you should be able to claim tax relief on it, ie; the taxman pays you back, theres a post somewhere about it.


Try to do the whole test including the uncoupling and recoupling :smiley:
That way it may help you to keep focused on the whole test
See the job through to the end Remember its not over untill the FAT lady sings :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: GOOD LUCK

Swampey & gliderman, I have the ‘WELL DONE’ truck ready to post so don’t let me down :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

thanks for the good wishes chaps, I will give it my best shot. Must remember to take the hand brake off after the uncoupling this time :blush:


Thanks for all the support, but I suspect as the test is @ Guildford then Im gonna need more that just luck !!!

The we shall just have to see, Maybe I could get a polish C & E licence maybe alot easier, lol
Bung someone some euros and make it worth his while, then exchange for a UK on :sunglasses:

Gliderman - Good luck