Tesco Driver M4

Ban him

The Magistrates will pass the dangerous driving charge to the Crown Court once you get there , they don’t do fines , two years custodial sentence is possible and retake the driving test or extended retest , the CPS don’t like this kind of driving, the custody threshold is passed due to the vehicle size .
Tea and biscuits with the Traffic Commissioner to plead for your license.With witness accounts there is no wiggle room for his defence barrister or QC .

The Magistrates will pass the dangerous driving charge to the Crown Court once you get there , they don’t do fines , two years custodial sentence is possible and retake the driving test or extended retest , the CPS don’t like this kind of driving, the custody threshold is passed due to the vehicle size .
Tea and biscuits with the Traffic Commissioner to plead for your license.With witness accounts there is no wiggle room for his defence barrister or QC .

Never in a million years would he get to crown court with that, never mind 2 years

in one move you have set the transport industry back by about 20yrs

For driving in lane 3 and giving a self appointed road marshall the finger?
Exaggerate much?

The Magistrates will pass the dangerous driving charge to the Crown Court once you get there , they don’t do fines , two years custodial sentence is possible and retake the driving test or extended retest , the CPS don’t like this kind of driving, the custody threshold is passed due to the vehicle size .
Tea and biscuits with the Traffic Commissioner to plead for your license.With witness accounts there is no wiggle room for his defence barrister or QC .

Off to ROMANIA for a fresh one and start all over again

Dangerous driving is driving too close to another vehicle .

Dangerous driving is driving too close to another vehicle .

And stopping concentrating on your own driving by being pre.occcupied with someone else’s :unamused:

When you exit some Stobart depots , there are signs saying remove your hiviz .

When you exit some Stobart depots , there are signs saying remove your hiviz .

Or look like a lemon

Well I think the guy is a complete ■■■■ and I hope they throw the book at him!
What a ■■■■■■ ■■■■■■ [emoji35]

Note to the Tesco driver who while traveling on the M4 at Reading through the road works whilst in Lane 3 and giving it the finger to the passenger who was filming you at the same time in one move you have set the transoprt industry back by about 20yrs Plus your driving a named vehical " TESCO " Only one of the biggest employers .
Anyway its all over social media you are a Star of the lowest of lows and you do not deserve to hold that licence which i doubt wont be long .
Sarah Bell do your finest

You’ve just set the english grammar standards back. Did you not do English at school ?

Well I think the guy is a complete [zb] and I hope they throw the book at him!
What a [zb] ■■■■■■ [emoji35]

Better idea
Deport him

The twerp’s hourly paid :unamused:
There was a time when Tesco was a dead mans shoes job paying serious money, no need to allow chimps behind the wheel when you offer top terms and conditions :bulb:

‘Trucks’ made for mediocre car drivers to be able to drive them.
What a surprise mediocre car drivers are driving trucks who’d have thought it. :laughing:

That’s some driver if one man can set the industry back 20 years single handedly.

I only have a few things to say;

  1. Nobody likes a ‘GRASS’.
  2. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
  3. One look at the driver tells me he’s young, eastern european and a seasonal agency driver. Ban him today and he’ll be driving under a new name and licence in weeks!!
  4. Now please don’t be offended, but Mr.Kutcha (the filmer) your fellow countynen haven’t exactly covered themselves with glory at my place of work, so it’s a case of “pot and kettle” I’m afraid.

2 sides to an argument, not excusing the use of the outside lane, but for all we know the blokes filming could have been cutting the Tesco driver up or deliberately winding him up, their driving standards in the video leave bit to be desired too. If they were fishing for a youtube hit, “lookattheevillorrydriver version 68792,” then I probably would have given them the finger too

I can’t get the picture up , but I’ve had plenty of the irate drivers when I’ve gone into the 3 rd lane , if drivers are stupid enough to follow behind the wide load ( using 2 lanes ) for mile after mile , that’s fine , but I’m off in the 3 rd land & on up the road
As I say can’t see what happened here but to me 3rd lane can be used in certain circumstances contrary to a lot of idiots who believe any lorry who dares to venture into it on a 3 land stretch should be hung , drawn & quarterd
As for Tesco being bothered , I on a daily basis ignored there risk assessments & never heard a dicky bird , they in my opinion were only concerned the load got to the store & on time like every other job I’ve done

2 sides to an argument, not excusing the use of the outside lane, but for all we know the blokes filming could have been cutting the Tesco driver up or deliberately winding him up, their driving standards in the video leave bit to be desired too. If they were fishing for a youtube hit, “lookattheevillorrydriver version 68792,” then I probably would have given them the finger too

professional driver shouldn’t have risen to the bait
oh no he’s from EE

I thought i heard the guy filming saying he was doing 55 in a 50 zone.Thats incriminating yourself.

So just to make it clear.
If you ■■■■ up your fuel tank or leave litter in a lay-by then you’re the reason everyone hates truck drivers and thinks we are all knuckle dragging idiots…


If you drive like a complete weapon and carry out some ridiculous tailgating then it’s “probably the camera cars fault”…not that bad really…nothing to see here…no one likes a grass…you should mind your own business…

Brilliant, just brilliant… :unamused: