Now it’s the turn of Police in on Teesside & in County Durham to operate an HGV Unit.
"Lorry drivers committing offences at the wheel are being targeted by undercover police.
Officers from Cleveland and Durham Specialist Operations Unit are patrolling major routes in an unmarked lorry cab.
They said being on the same level meant they could film any offences.
Things they will be looking out for include drivers watching TV on laptops, speaking on mobile phones and not wearing seatbelts.
Two officers will patrol with one driving and the other filming during the operation called Riding High.
They will gather evidence and then alert fellow officers if they spot offences.
PC Ian Turner said: “We are the same height as other LGV drivers so it gives us the ability to look straight across at the same height as the driver and see if they are committing any offences.”
This has been used in other areas with many drivers being prosecuted.
and meanwhile, all the REAL criminals can carry on with their chosen hobby
because there will be another 5 or 6 cops in patrol cars hovering about.
I reckon that if another driver killed you whilst he was watching a DVC then
your family would probably consider him to be a REAL criminal.
OK. OK.OK. OK. Ill start and wear the bloomin seat belt, if thats what it takes to avoid getting nabbed off these fellas, but are they goin to nick me for having a sandwich or an apple or a swig out of me water bottle? thats what Id like to know.
By all means get the dvd watchers and texters but are they after those without both hands on the wheel at “ten to two”?
Its getting so`s you daresent have a good pick of yer nose these days. Heaven forbid you reach down and adjust your undergarments which may have “ridden up” !
…are they goin to nick me for having a sandwich or an apple or a swig out of me water bottle? thats what I`d like to know.
No. - Eating and drinking while driving are NOT illegal activities in the UK but drivers can be charged with careless driving if police believe they are not in full control of their vehicle as a result.
Tests reveal that the reaction times of motorists who indulged in a snack while driving were up to 44 per cent slower than usual.
When sipping a drink, responses were up to 22 per cent slower.
Drivers are 18 per cent more likely to experience poor lane control whilst eating/drinking.
They could easily nudge you down an embankment and into tree branches that could remove your head from your body. But hey ho, think on the bright side, your family would be charged less for a smaller coffin.
OK. OK.OK. OK. Ill start and wear the bloomin seat belt, if thats what it takes to avoid getting nabbed off these fellas, but are they goin to nick me for having a sandwich or an apple or a swig out of me water bottle? thats what Id like to know.
If they are close enough to get you on camera doing such then as a driver you have not done it at a safe moment
No probs taking a bite or a swig when safe to do so which would be when no other road user is anywhere near you
OK. OK.OK. OK. Ill start and wear the bloomin seat belt, if thats what it takes to avoid getting nabbed off these fellas, but are they goin to nick me for having a sandwich or an apple or a swig out of me water bottle? thats what Id like to know.
If they are close enough to get you on camera doing such then as a driver you have not done it at a safe moment
No probs taking a bite or a swig when safe to do so which would be when no other road user is anywhere near you
People have been booked for doing exactly this though Rog, even when stationary!
OK. OK.OK. OK. Ill start and wear the bloomin seat belt, if thats what it takes to avoid getting nabbed off these fellas, but are they goin to nick me for having a sandwich or an apple or a swig out of me water bottle? thats what Id like to know.
If they are close enough to get you on camera doing such then as a driver you have not done it at a safe moment
No probs taking a bite or a swig when safe to do so which would be when no other road user is anywhere near you
People have been booked for doing exactly this though Rog, even when stationary!
Then they did not check to see if anyone was watching when they decided to do something they should not be doing
Eating an apple when the handbrake is on at trafic lights is certainly not unsafe but the law says differently - a case of common sense not coming into play by a cop
…are they goin to nick me for having a sandwich or an apple or a swig out of me water bottle? thats what I`d like to know.
No. - Eating and drinking while driving are NOT illegal activities in the UK but drivers can be charged with careless driving if police believe they are not in full control of their vehicle as a result.
Tests reveal that the reaction times of motorists who indulged in a snack while driving were up to 44 per cent slower than usual.
When sipping a drink, responses were up to 22 per cent slower.
Drivers are 18 per cent more likely to experience poor lane control whilst eating/drinking.
They could easily nudge you down an embankment and into tree branches that could remove your head from your body. But hey ho, think on the bright side, your family would be charged less for a smaller coffin.
So how come a copper can drive, work a video camera, talk on his radio, watch what the chopper is doing, change gear, talk to the camera crew in the back seat and press pedals and goodness knows what else and all at high speed and in no way lose any concentration?
Specialist training? Balloons!
Ban the texters, phone users & TV watchers et al but to have a swig of a drink or munch on a butty?
Money for nothing exercise and justifying their existence until they get ‘real’ robocops to replace them.
So how come a copper can drive, work a video camera, talk on his radio, watch what the chopper is doing, change gear, talk to the camera crew in the back seat and press pedals and goodness knows what else and all at high speed and in no way lose any concentration?
Specialist training?
We need people like you to join a Police Force.
I,ve seen the plod drinking, eating, whilst driving, its a disgrace they act as judge and jury, and now have more power to fine drivers, its a scandal, ■■■■■■■ hate the double standards.
They deserve a fine/points like us, they are not above the law.
don’t they look like they are enjoying themselves a little too much
Not exactly hard to spot & realise its the police !!
Surely they will make some serious money in fines if when on patrol in this they record bad car drivers, the middle lane 50mph brigade, the laptop on the knee & every other crazy car antics we see day in day out!!
Would like to find out if its restricted to 56mph or not, be interesting to have them overtaking you & end up sat neck & neck for miles, who would be in the wrong then??
Its not restricted, I watched it on the local news last night and by the way it was flying up alongside trucks and then after filming them taking off again it didn’t look like it was limited
Its not restricted, I watched it on the local news last night and by the way it was flying up alongside trucks and then after filming them taking off again it didn’t look like it was limited
So if they flew up next to you & started filming, if you give them the finger & polite ‘f’ off, could they do anything? Defence would be that driving like that & filming me is a dangerous distraction to me & road users around me
Presume it would be ok for a car driver to pull up along side & get the passenger to film them while they are working, just to make sure they are not doing anything illegally
If you get caught its your own faults for not checking your mirrors enough, a solo cab bombing up the middle lane hmmmmm I wonder what that could be .
A run away unit that’s broken free from it’s trailer?