Tax Disc

To cut a long story short the company I am working
for want me to take a truck out with a photocopy of
the tax disc. I have told them and they said its been
lost and they winked at each other and basically are
not going to do anything about it.

So I am looking for information stating that it as to be
an original so I can show them when I refuse to take
the vehicle out.

What would you do as I don’t want to be unreasonable
but I have to do what’s best for me as I would get the
points or fines ect and I dont wont it jeopardising my
chances of getting this other job I am wanting.

ask your self,would you put a copy of your tax disc in your own motor?

drive to the nearest cop shop and ask them,

If the copy is of a current tax disc for that vehicle that doesn’t look like it’s been tampered with (ie. the original before it was copied) then yes, I would take the truck out.

Rob K:
If the copy is of a current tax disc for that vehicle that doesn’t look like it’s been tampered with (ie. the original before it was copied) then yes, I would take the truck out.

wiht conformation that the owners of the vehicle have made the copy and put it in the window

law states that the tax disc should valid (not a copy ),in the nearside of the window and not obscured it should also be readable without climbing on the vehicle…


Rob K:
If the copy is of a current tax disc for that vehicle that doesn’t look like it’s been tampered with (ie. the original before it was copied) then yes, I would take the truck out.

wiht conformation that the owners of the vehicle have made the copy and put it in the window

law states that the tax disc should valid (not a copy ),in the nearside of the window and not obscured it should also be readable without climbing on the vehicle…

I didn’t say it was right or wrong, merely saying what I would do.

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :wink:

In the past vosa pulled a vehicle which had no tax
disc in as the original was at the head office but
don’t know what vosa did about it. Also a few weeks
later a driver who as been there 20 years got pulled
when 2 cars had a accident and a police officer at the
scene spotted he did not have one or it was a photocopied.
I heard the driver giving them a roasting when he got back
and they was saying someone in the office was not doing
is job in getting them from the head office. This was last year
and he is still there but don’t know if he or the company got done.

It is a clear photocopy of the original which is valid to the
11th month and I want to be 100% accurate in my decision
as I am not getting any backing up as they are all saying its
ok to take it out including the agency who will be giving me
a reference for the job I am after.

I think if youve “got a feel” that something aint right i would be refusing to drive it :confused: . If it was a one off and they were trying to sort it then i guess i would drive it., but it doesnt sound like that from the info you have given.

I think you need to make the call that your happy with not what others would do as we dont really know the company/reputation etc. But if the law was applied if you were stopped then like as been said it would be an offence.

If your after hard evidence try vosa’s page or one of the uk law places.

To cut a long story short the company I am working
for want me to take a truck out with a photocopy of
the tax disc. I have told them and they said its been
lost and they winked at each other and basically are
not going to do anything about it.

So I am looking for information stating that it as to be
an original so I can show them when I refuse to take
the vehicle out.

Go ask at the local Police Station. If I were you, I’d also be asking your employer to see the current Certificate of Insurance for the vehicle too.

And then I’d look for another job.

Is the lorry actually taxed, or not?

You can soon find out on the DVLA Vehicle Licensing website.

If it’s not, then it is effectively not insured either.

I have just phoned up and told them my concerns
and they say they are going to sort it. With the tax its
not the first time or probably the last they will do
something like this as they dont do anything to they
get pulled ect. Maintenance wise they are good its just
the management who do things like this from time to time.

I am going to try HERE or phone and make an enquiry for future reference.
I know the insurance is ok and as for
looking for another job I am as this job
is coming to an end soon.

Have you got the link to check Sheeter as
I could not find it on dvlas site or searching
on this site even though someone posted it
a while ago.

To cut a long story short the company I am working
for want me to take a truck out with a photocopy of
the tax disc. I have told them and they said its been
lost and they winked at each other and basically are
not going to do anything about it.

look at the “lost” and “copy” :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question:

how can you “copy” something that is “lost”,it rubbish it’s of one of the other trucks,or one they borrowed from a mate

On a similar note, what is the score if your tax disc has expired and the replacement sent by HQ has not been received in the post.

On a similar note, what is the score if your tax disc has expired and the replacement sent by HQ has not been received in the post.

The wagon stays in the yard.

Rob K:

On a similar note, what is the score if your tax disc has expired and the replacement sent by HQ has not been received in the post.

The wagon stays in the yard.

or you send the boss up the post office to get it :wink: :wink:

Convoy, try this link:

And click on Vehicle Enquiry

I know the insurance is ok

i always thought that if there was no tax disc then the insurance was invalid. some ones said it cant be copied if its lost, so i’d tell them to take a runnig jump.


Even though the tax disc may be delayed or lost, a copy does not constitute a legal document so your technically committing an offence.

No proper, current, valid tax disc…motor does not go out of gate with me in the hot seat…end of problem. Have to add never been asked to either.

Failure to display carries about a 2 grand fine. Not sure whether thats down to the driver or company though.

No reason to have a photocopy in the window though, you can apply for duplicates.

You’d be better off with nothing than a photocopy, at least then you could say it was there when you left if stopped. If there’s a photocopy then you cant say much other than admit it was missing.