Tate and Lyle parking

Doesn’t anybody know where to park around Tate and Lyle

Doesn’t anybody know where to park around Tate and Lyle

What you looking for sugar? :blush:

There are often lorries parked near to the tesco at Gallions reach off the A 1020. Also North Woolwich roundabout /Thames rd ind est area.

You can park in the Esso garage on silvertown way by the airport or as others have said in the retail park at Beckton … Google Beckton Sainsburys and it will give you an address

Yes, do not park on the road outside. Despite no signage to ban parking, I was given a parking ticket at 23.30. The ticket would be contested, because the signage is not confirming to the regulations, but seeing as they got the registration wrong…


How things change. I used to do Tate & Lyle, Crosse & Blackwell, who’s the flour mob ? Spillers I think, Pinchin Johnson and never any trouble parking anywhere… 60’s, early 70’s. Royal Docks were a doddle, many a happy hour after hour sitting around there. I don’t envy you lot nowadays.