Tata Chemicals Northwich

Does anybody have any nice stories about this place?

I’ve twice sat on the loading weigh bridge for 18hours without moving, and today I’m gonna better it. I arrived on site at 21.00 yesterday and I haven’t moved since. Nobody as yet has been and asked if I’m okay for food and water and still nobody knows how long I’m going to be here.

Absolutely ■■■■ all drivers facilities all I have access to is the toilets and apparently the locked cabin next to them is the shower but no one knows where the key is. I can see a emergency shower from here which I’m really tempted to use but I’m not sure if they’ll take kindly to me stomping about in my skids and flip flops.

18 hours FFS! What sort of job are you doing there that could possibly take that long? I hope and trust that demurrage is being paid? I once did a job that took 4 days to unload Thermocal at an ice rink, but that was prearranged and all paid for.

That sounds ridiculous where you’re at tbh.

Loading soda ash for Holland, my Dutch pal got here at 3am, I may get loaded tonight fingers x but think they’ve ran out ash. I’m getting paid and make very good profit sitting here, I’ve made the most of the drivers facilities.

Just settled down to watch the soaps lol.
I have sat Monday to Friday at Goodyear Dunlop at Wolverhampton at the end of last year. And then I didn’t get tipped on Friday, I was told to leave the trailer and go home, this was in October and I went back in January to tip it. It cost them a lot of cash but sadly we lost the job lol, don’t know why.

Lol. Cracking use of an emergency shower! :smiley: . Did the same once unintentionally when I was new on tankers; squeezed down the side of my barrel and stood on the shower plate, middle of winter and bloody freezing too, thought someone was taking the ■■■■ 'till I realised that I’d set it off. :blush: :blush:

the maoster:
Lol. Cracking use of an emergency shower! :smiley: . Did the same once unintentionally when I was new on tankers; squeezed down the side of my barrel and stood on the shower plate, middle of winter and bloody freezing too, thought someone was taking the ■■■■ 'till I realised that I’d set it off. :blush: :blush:

i’ve done exactly the same thing. i too thought somebody was messing about till i realised :blush:

i notice the bloke in the shower is not wearing eye protection or ear defenders :slight_smile:

Pox ridden hole has always been the same. Used to load there regularly a few years ago, and 8 hour wait was classed as a quick load.

the maoster:
Lol. Cracking use of an emergency shower! :smiley: . Did the same once unintentionally when I was new on tankers; squeezed down the side of my barrel and stood on the shower plate, middle of winter and bloody freezing too, thought someone was taking the ■■■■ 'till I realised that I’d set it off. :blush: :blush:

It normally sets an alarm off and you get a Russian Shot Putter in a security vest coming to rescue you. :stuck_out_tongue:

I was on site for just over 26 hours, dropped it at Middlewich and picked an empty up, went back to Tata and was only on site for 9hours this time. I’d happily sit there all week, it’s the only way of making a decent profit lol.:laughing:

Spent many hrs there,longest time on site 21hrs to load.
As for drivers facilities theres no suprise theyve stopped caring about drivers cos the stuff ive seen there from other drivers actions is disgusting,ive seen sinks ripped off the walls,holes punched thru toilet doors and piles of ■■■■ a ft away from the clean toilet drivers using the floor instead of the clean toilet.
Fair play to tata for not givin a ■■■■ anymore cos drivers are their own worst enemy.
I find the staff and security helpul and get on with them,if im there for hrs on end il get key for rear gate and walk into town for chippy or something,get paud by hr so cant grumble.been goin there for around 8yrs now wkly.