
And there I was wondering why somebody had named a thread after my sister…

I was wondering who would be first to post a picture of Linda Thorsen?
Said he, showing his age.

Who is Tara?

Who is Tara?

its how you spell the well known phrase and saying " goodby dear playmates,ive decided to take a wee flounce and say farewell and adieu " as spelt by special needs/semi literates.
somewhat to when you used to look at a banana and could muster “nana”… :smiley:

Harry Monk:
Unless you self-identify as a means of public transport, there is no need to announce your departure. :wink:

I’m trying to get my head around the link between vagabonds and the departure of public transport and racism.We’re going to need to understand this stuff in the coming NWO. :smiling_imp: :laughing:


Who is Tara?

its how you spell the well known phrase and saying " goodby dear playmates,ive decided to take a wee flounce and say farewell and adieu " as spelt by special needs/semi literates.
somewhat to when you used to look at a banana and could muster “nana”… :smiley:

Nope. Tara = girls name. Ta-ra = colloquial goodbye.

Who’s the “Irish member for 1952” ? :confused:

the nodding donkey:
Oh well. Now that the UK vagabond’s return shows the real desperation of the forum, and the Irish member for 1952 seems to be allowed to spout his endless racism without any recourse, I cant be bothered anymore.

Have fun everybody.


Don’t see there’s anything to fuss about. If a particular poster (or his/her alternative IDs) ■■■■ you off, whether it be a fridge engineer or a closet Ulster homosexual, just mark them as “foe”. Then you’ll never see another of their posts (unless some other user quotes it), and you can smile serenely in the knowledge that they are yapping like a demented terrier at a closed garden gate as you walk on by. All you’ll ever see is a stub to say that they’ve made a comment.



Who is Tara?

its how you spell the well known phrase and saying " goodby dear playmates,ive decided to take a wee flounce and say farewell and adieu " as spelt by special needs/semi literates.
somewhat to when you used to look at a banana and could muster “nana”… :smiley:

Nope. Tara = girls name. Ta-ra = colloquial goodbye.

when did grammar and english become important to the o/p anyway? :slight_smile:

Or as del boy would say in French, Bonjour me old mate

Who’s the “Irish member for 1952” ? :confused:

Glad you asked. Saved me doing it.

the nodding donkey:

Bloody hell (Mr Rockstarviking :laughing: ) ND : :open_mouth:

I’ve always had you down as being similar to myself in ideals and attitude (compliment or insult…you decide :smiley: )
I never had you down as a one to go down the ‘Classic Trucknet flounceoff’ route mate tbh :open_mouth:
I can only assume you are having a giraffe here. :smiley:

If somebody on here annoys you, do what I do…Wind em up and show em up in a ‘‘Give them enough rope’’ etc etc stylee :bulb:
Despite my sig. :smiley:

Not a flounce, but I’ve had it with the website’s blatant double standards, where it’s fine to troll and ■■■■ about with multiple accounts (something Rikki has himself pointed out, warning a poster about it, and threatening to close his multiple account…) or spout blatant racist claptrap, but it’s not ok if you call out the trolls and deliberate thickos.

I’m as thick skinned as most here, but I’m just getting fed up.

They need us, to attract the readers, to attract the page clicks, to appease the advertisers.

I do notice that the vagabond has been nipped in the but.

That was quick,thought you’d gone.

This forum is a closed shop anyhow, you dont have to do much to get put on pre-mod, I dont have any idea why I was and was never informed.
So in my opinion, you are not allowed to have an opinion that is not acceptable to the few who will fall in and call you all kinds of names etc…Then the mods will fall in with the regulars.

Your pool here is shallow, it needs more depth if it is to continue living.

Stereotypical seems to cover this forum with regards to it`s users.

This forum is a closed shop anyhow, you dont have to do much to get put on pre-mod, I dont have any idea why I was and was never informed.
So in my opinion, you are not allowed to have an opinion that is not acceptable to the few who will fall in and call you all kinds of names etc…Then the mods will fall in with the regulars.

Your pool here is shallow, it needs more depth if it is to continue living.

Stereotypical seems to cover this forum with regards to it`s users.

You’re not wrong there.

Not sure if much has changed since original dipper left and I took his place but we’ve found having any opinion you like is fine the trick is how you express it.

For instance there’s the ramming it home method i.e. I’m right so every else is wrong as deep down I’m scared of being wrong due to being homophobic, the two tend to go hand in hand so to speak.

Or theres the tickle it in approach. I.e. I think I’m right but don’t mind being wrong in fact I can change my mind later. Mostly the debating style of homo’s. :slight_smile:

In the end it’s not what you say that matters it’s the right to say it that counts.
Some subjects maybe sensitive others open to upsetting others, just coz I can say something nasty doesn’t mean I have to.

I’ve lost my train of thought now, oh well just agree with me please or I get upset…

Not sure if much has changed since original dipper left and I took his place but we’ve found having any opinion you like is fine the trick is how you express it.

For instance there’s the ramming it home method i.e. I’m right so every else is wrong as deep down I’m scared of being wrong due to being homophobic, the two tend to go hand in hand so to speak.

Or theres the tickle it in approach. I.e. I think I’m right but don’t mind being wrong in fact I can change my mind later. Mostly the debating style of homo’s. :slight_smile:

In the end it’s not what you say that matters it’s the right to say it that counts.
Some subjects maybe sensitive others open to upsetting others, just coz I can say something nasty doesn’t mean I have to.

I’ve lost my train of thought now, oh well just agree with me please or I get upset…

Blimey Dave, cracking post and I couldn’t agree more.

Never had nodding donkey down as an “announce your flounce off” type, and certainly not the type to announce it then come back and reply

Never had nodding donkey down as an “announce your flounce off” type, and certainly not the type to announce it then come back and reply

thats what the rest of them do,so why should he be any different?
im waiting on a big flounce from tude now as its on the brink if it methinks.

its not a flounce when you do it like trampydamonjakedozy as all you do is hide for a while and then just spout the same mince from the other accounts,only nobodys meant to notice.

apparantly and according to jayeytramp then if im meant to be robroy and robroy says he is also moaster then that means theres now three me me/us/me or whatever… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Yep, I’m all of the above^^^^^ this is me when they made a documentary about me called “Split”


Never had nodding donkey down as an “announce your flounce off” type, and certainly not the type to announce it then come back and reply

thats what the rest of them do,so why should he be any different?
im waiting on a big flounce from tude now as its on the brink if it methinks.

its not a flounce when you do it like trampydamonjakedozy as all you do is hide for a while and then just spout the same mince from the other accounts,only nobodys meant to notice.

apparantly and according to jayeytramp then if im meant to be robroy and robroy says he is also moaster then that means theres now three me me/us/me or whatever… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I didnt flounce off, crying that you’re all horrible (although you are) and that I’m never coming back.
I’ll still be here, reading ■■■■, but I cant be bothered with trying to get involved anymore, because when you’re being censored, sorry, on pre-mod, your replies are either added in so late, as to be irrelevant to the discussion, or simply not added at all, as the mods whim goes.
Case in point, I added a reply earlier in this thread, about the post by polytrotter(which was censored), but because it was critical of Dave the mod, it’s not added. Make of that what you will.