Taking too many pallets off!

So here I am at Pets at Home, Northampton. 3 pallets for them, easy peasy lemon squezy, NO !
They carried on taking the rest of the pallets off, including 10 pallets of Whisky for Morrisons, Durrrrrr ! (I didn’t realise all the little Cats & Doggies drank Whisky ■■?)

I don’t know how these people manage to get to work on the morning, I bet they still get their Mummy’s to tie their shoe laces ( or they wear slip ons !)

Happy Days !

Had the same at John Lewis’s at MK.

They were to have 3 pallets.

They took the lot off. Even the bloody pallet truck.

I remember starting to pull of the bay and thinking “this feels a bit light” poked my head round to see a completely empty trailer and just thinking one word that rhymes with duck.

When you are sat in the lorry do you not count the amount of times the pallet truck or forklift has gone in and out?
two movements per pallet, so any more than six movements for three pallets and i’d have to take a look.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: @ both the above. :laughing:

And normally completed in record time, then when you have a full load for the same place it takes hours to get it off!!

I wonder if anyone’s ever had a split load that’s all been unloaded at the first drop, got the paperwork signed and driven off. That would be an interesting conversation with the boss!

When you are sat in the lorry do you not count the amount of times the pallet truck or forklift has gone in and out?
two movements per pallet, so any more than six movements for three pallets and i’d have to take a look.

I try to count them, but its like counting Sheep & I soon fall asleep, then loose count. Trouble is- when they make you sit in the Drivers Cesspit, you hav’nt got a clue what they are taking off, you just have to hope its the right stuff.

when on beer deliveries, one of the teams went to a spot in Bradford, they had never done the drop before and used a sat nav, the spot they were going to was something like featherstone arms working mans club, but the sat nav took them to the door of featherstone arms( the club is in the next st behind the pub) it was nearly xmas so delivery was quite big, alot of 22 gal kegs, loads of bottled stuff, well they go in pub see a cleaner who tells them where cellar is and leaves them to it… its only when the guys want the paperwork signed that the bar manager says we dont use you?? then the penny dropped, 1 unhappy crew having to upload the delivery and then take it around the corner to the right spot…

So here I am at Pets at Home, Northampton. 3 pallets for them, easy peasy lemon squezy, NO !
They carried on taking the rest of the pallets off, including 10 pallets of Whisky for Morrisons, Durrrrrr ! (I didn’t realise all the little Cats & Doggies drank Whisky ■■?)

Pallets of Whisky and you wonder why they unloaded them, bet they were hoping Xmas had come early :wink:

Its all to do with H & S and toetectors, if open toed sandles were allowed in the wharehouse, they’d be fine :sunglasses:

Seriously though, if you asked them if it were possible to move some pallets around for you, say, if the next couple off drops had been loaded in the wrong order, you’d get a big fat no :unamused:

B&Q rdc at Doncaster did that last week. Curtains open, told the forkie what was theirs and went to the office. When i came back the whole lot had gone…Found the forkie, “Er, you’ve taken the lot off mate, only 3 for you” “O” he said, “thought it was all ours”…And their security people are another story…

B&Q rdc at Doncaster And their security people are another story…

Do they still change your seals on the way out, even though despatch only sealed it 10 mins earlier :unamused:

Thats jobsworth in the highest extreme :wink:

I’ve done it myself at Aldi, went round to the goods in “office” to get my paperwork signed and was told to go back to the bay I had left as I’d unloaded some Morrisons pallets :blush:

When you are sat in the lorry do you not count the amount of times the pallet truck or forklift has gone in and out?
two movements per pallet, so any more than six movements for three pallets and i’d have to take a look.

Sat in the waiting room. Can’t recall exactly but I think you had too.

I’ve done it myself at Aldi, went round to the goods in “office” to get my paperwork signed and was told to go back to the bay I had left as I’d unloaded some Morrisons pallets :blush:

Ha Ha ! That’s called a Senior Moment !

I’m surprised !
At Aldi, why didn’t they make you put it on the shelves & collect the money at the till whilst you were on the bay, as well ?
Oh & while you are waiting for the next customer, just have a sweep round !

eddie snax:

B&Q rdc at Doncaster And their security people are another story…

Do they still change your seals on the way out, even though despatch only sealed it 10 mins earlier :unamused:

Thats jobsworth in the highest extreme :wink:

i only use bays 15 to 17, so it’s done from the side. Never had it sealed. Went in yesterday 40 mins early, they refused to let me in, and to come back at my booking time. Fair enough i thought, so booking time came, went back to book in, “go away we will tell you when you can come in” they said, “er, but it’s my booking time” i replied. Refused entry. Went to park up and wait, 10 minutes later i heard an Oi, looked up and security knob was pointing at me and shouting “get in the queue then”…;.Their customer service is shocking. So the booking in sheet they gave me, i licked all over on the way out. Made sure it was nice and wet when i handed it to them.

You licked their sheet? That is the mosy disgusting thing you could ever do.

And the funniest thing I’ve read in a while and the reason my laptop is now covered in coffee! :smiley:

Licked there sheet wonder if the person gave it to you been on the ■■■■■■■ and hasn’t washed there hands :neutral_face:

RRRr yes, but they had no idea what disease’s i may have had, or in fact whether it was water, ■■■■ or snot…

And i had given a clean with my coffee first