Taking the pee

Surely this should be in Bullys

+E Euro work vacancy (perm) Leics to Spain
by ROG » Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:22 am

Job Title HGV 1 DRIVER LCR/46857

Wage £20,000 PER ANNUM
Work Pattern Days , Evenings , Nights , Weekends
Employer Eurocold Services EUROCOLD WEBSITE


Must have relevant qualifications. European experience and fridge trailer and euroliner would be an advantage. Post is based in Leicester but duties involve driving between UK and Spain. Post is in Thrussington.

You can apply for this job by telephoning 01664 424134 ext 0 and asking for Mike Preston.

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Wage £20,000 PER ANNUM
Must be a joke surely, its 15 k short :
Or am i too well paid :open_mouth:

Lot of guys would do it for that as they like the euro work, being away from home in a foreign country and the freedom being away from the UK gives… £20k is an insult though, 24k maybe but 20?

Is the 20K per annum for 40 hours Per Week with extra on top ■■?

saw advert in kent for all singing all danceing driver in kent last week £450
EXPERIENCED only :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: a never home job and when
you are your under the motor.god i wish id been born polish

Is the 20K per annum for 40 hours Per Week with extra on top ■■?

I was thinking same, 20k for 40 hrs…not bad, do 70+ hours then you are in the 30 something bracket. Plus nights out are tax free.

Thats £400 a week was earning that doing Spain plus ex,s 12 years ago is it that bad out there.

I think some people on this board need to get real and take a long look at the state of the World currently.

I would agree that 20 grand isnt a lot, but its more than Im on. At present its the emplyers who hold all the cards and depending what you want to do and where you want to do it you have to take whats available - or do nothing.

‘… I think some people on this board need to get real … its the employers who hold all the cards …’

What about the idiot electorate who vote in the Euro-loving party politicians that give our jobs away? Those politicians surely empower European workers to grab UK jobs with UK based employers?

I remember the glass-eyed, arrogant Jock’s spin ‘…UK jobs for UK people…’ or have I missed something since?

So we hold the cards - but some appear to ‘forget’ that the UK gives Brussels £46,000,000 a day for our politicians to give our jobs away.

Im not quite sure what your angle is here to be honest.

However, I dont think British politicians have “given jobs away” - what they have done is over many, many years made it extremely difficult for British hauliers to compete in the European market place.

One prime example is VOSA and there new found powers under the Working Time Directive. You can rest assured that they will force people to stick rigidly to these absurd rules whilst most other countries will just ignore them as being unworkable and unrealistic.

keith, the problem is not europe. it is uk and only uk. as hombre said it is the prats in london who have made it impossisble for uk hauliers to compete. I have been quoted between 90 and 94 pence per litre uk this week . filled up yesterday in belguim 71ppl. no 6 weekly inspections in europe, working time directive, etc. the fault lies in the usa where those dipstick bankers lent money to unemployed trailor trash who couldnt pay it back. then because we are so tied to those ■■■■■ over ther it spread to our banks. that is why hauliers are cutting back on wages etc. I personly will never employ an east european but i can see why some are. trying to get money from the banks is a joke at the moment. BUT if you go to europe you can see that they have turned the corner and are picking up, slowly ,yes but its happening. us, well we are just bumping along the bottom waiting to get the next lot of tossers in.

‘… Im not quite sure what your angle is here … I dont think British politicians have “given jobs away” - what they have done is over many, many years made it extremely difficult for British hauliers to compete in the European market place…’

My point is suggesting that we democratically put the politicians in place who then went on to make things ‘…extremely difficult…’ on our behalf by their undemocratic actions of selling-out to Europe.

‘… One prime example is VOSA and their … powers under the Working Time Directive … they will force people to stick rigidly to these absurd rules whilst most other countries will just ignore them as being unworkable and unrealistic…’

So why don’t our lick-spittle Euro-loving politicians cry ‘Europe - you are playing foul’? Maybe because they are too busy tongueing up before grasping for a post-Government retirement job (ala Kinnocks, etc)?

‘… the problem is not europe. it is uk and only uk. as hombre said it is the prats in london who have made it impossisble for uk hauliers to compete…’.

How so? Maybe because London is subordinate to Brussels/Strasbourg? If a disadvantage is hurting us, why don’t our politicians whinge to Europe?

As for our fuel being dearer, maybe the same MP’s have (dis)illusions about funding wars that we can ill afford (either financially or morally?) whilst Europeans keep their heads-down?.

‘… we are just bumping along the bottom waiting to get the next lot of tossers in…’

I suspect you’ll be proved right - but the recent UK MEP election brought in some interesting alternatives to the usual pro-Euro drongo’s!

the reason we are worse off and in a bigger pile of doo doo than the eu is their banks arnt so tied in with the yanks like we are and they rent more property than morgage and they showed more self control re credit. as for fuel prices that has bugger all to do with eu just those greedy sods in the treasury with their mega fuel tax.just greed. this country is just a joke these days. instead of knocking the eu all the time we need to get closer to them and stop cosying up to the yanks.

the reason we are worse off and in a bigger pile of doo doo than the eu is their banks arnt so tied in with the yanks like we are and they rent more property than morgage and they showed more self control re credit. as for fuel prices that has bugger all to do with eu just those greedy sods in the treasury with their mega fuel tax.just greed. this country is just a joke these days. instead of knocking the eu all the time we need to get closer to them and stop cosying up to the yanks.

How about the better-off EU nations tending to make/export things - which UK doesn’t - preferring to position finance as its main industry that we enable by having somewhat extreme consumer greed? That’s you, me and the neighbours all hoying stuff onto the plastic.

Why deny that the UK fuel tax ‘…greed…’ goes to fund the UK’s EU dues? £46m/day is not chicken-feed!

Meanwhile, London is in direct competition with New York, ie, not cosying, as the world’s main finance centre although Frankfurt is gaining strength: That said, many suspect that it is only our situation within time (ie, global Greenwich meantime) that is tenuously keeping us in top-spot above the USA although our politicians love to do expensive war-spending with the Yanks on our behalf because they get our approval at the ballot box.

So, we ultimately hold the cards to vote out the polticians - to whom employers consequently respond in their particular ways. Thus, I suggest that it isn’t employers who ‘hold the cards’ as stated earlier since they are only intermediaries. We get what we vote for only to later whinge about the covert but expensive bits giving us the dire pro-EU consquences of finance, labour & rule-making that we don’t all fully understand in the polling booth.