Taking the pee ;0)

E bay item no 251335478784 :angry: slip resistant unisex collar :open_mouth:

I was searching for gloves honestly .

(One day I might work out how paste a link from I pad :blush: )


:grimacing: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

when you post a meassage look above where your typing look for the one that says click it and it will come up like this copy and paste your link into the middle of the 2 job done :grimacing:

Mikey,when you’re throwing the full ones out of your window,make sure that you’re not being overtaken by a convertible :wink: :wink:

there gel packs so you could make some of this

You can’t replace peeing against a wheel, or into your coffee cup


It would be cheaper just to buy an new pair of pants!

Just found a rather upmarket alternative!!

ebay.com/itm/Piddle-Pail-Por … 1c44efb2c1

Piddle pail FFS :grimacing: :grimacing:
Only in America eh ?

Still want to know how a search for leather truckers gloves I ended up looking at a â– â– â– â–  bag :confused: :laughing:

That yellow concoction looks like appetising actually Si :wink:

Mikey D:
Piddle pail FFS :grimacing: :grimacing:
Only in America eh ?

Still want to know how a search for leather truckers gloves I ended up looking at a â– â– â– â–  bag :confused: :laughing:

That yellow concoction looks like appetising actually Si :wink:

tastes like [zb], sorry i mean peeeee :grimacing: :laughing: