Taking low-riders to a ridiculously new level

Fancy getting on a ferry in this?

:laughing: It looks like the truck has full all round air suspension and has let it all down to get the trailer on that bay. :wink:

thats very low but it looks like theres a slope going down to that bay which makes it look closer :laughing: am i right QB or do i need my eyes testing :laughing:

You’re right about the slope, but it wasn’t that steep.

Not sure about the air suspension thing as I left before him, but there must be something to lift it a bit more or that front valance would have been removed months ago… (maybe he carries spares?)

:slight_smile: Here’s a pic I took myself about a year ago I think.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue:

They have to drop the suspension down to get the trailer into the bay opening. :wink:

:open_mouth: Thats very low!!!
Has to be some way of puting it up abit :question:

Weve got 3 fh’s and they are very low on the front.Not good for alot of our stores.They run on low profile tyres to reduce the height when we pull our double deckers.But weve got some daf 85’s and they run on the same tyres but have a much better ground clearance.
Its something to do with the underrun protection.I think were getting some more but they might have front axel air suspension.It would just be easier to get the dafs if you ask me.

Tony b