Taking fotographs...some feed back

Now before i go any further i would just like to state that i do not condone or encourage drivers snapping pictures willy nilly at the wheel whilst driving. That said, i’ll continue :smiley:
In itself its not illegal. Personally i go to a great deal of time and trouble to provide pictures and a blog style text to re create a scene from a drivers perspective. How someone can obtain these pictures is limited by your own imagination, and thats not a euphamism for ‘i just take them’. To be frank, i ain’t going to disclose to anyone how i get my pictures, nor do i need to, nor does anyone else.
Now i would like to award The Sunday Sport Award for Investagative Journalism to Bob Parr, unfortunateley Bob can’t be with us just yet to accept it :wink: Bob takes my picture, of me on my laptop in my cab on a closed motorway and accompanies it with a question along the lines of…‘look at this trucker on his laptop on a motorway’. Completley oblivious to the fact the truck is not even running and the accompanying text to say i am sat on a closed motorway and have been forover an hour. So, why did i post the pic? Well i wasn’t watching a film nor playing a game, after the radio traffic reports told us the motorway was closed and with no other means of information i used it and attempted to glean information from the new HA desktop widget, which as i state was useless and did not give me ‘real time traffic information where and when i needed it’. To be blunt, i don’t care who ‘doesn’t like me doing it,’ it was not illegal or dangerous, you can argue about it until the cows come home but it won’t be with me :wink:
As for the remarks about civil courts and balance of probabilities, again, pure Daily Sport reporting. So now you know, next one to kick off about it will be directed here. Anyway, i’m off now ,i have a few pics i need to photoshop my dreamcatcher in to to make them look realistic, also i’m compiling a file for the CPS. Yes, the CPS, i have concrete proof and indeed even videotape evidence that Sylvester Stalone is actually a mass murderer.
Oh, before i go, if anyone finds that these pictures may have ben taken in a dangerous manner then contact the HA, they’re freely available on their website that i pay for. Doesn’t set a good example really does it, telling the rest of us to keep off hard shoulders and to keep out the carriageway and then take pics in them for educational purposes, heh?

But mike she does have her Hi-Viz on.? love your diaries and PICS keep up the good work.regards derek


But she’s stood in the wrong place she should be out the way because where she is standing ( looks like a layby) she is or would be blocking the view of her left hand indicator there for someone could look and asume the car was waiting to rejoin the carageway.
And yeah ok the boots open but that dont mean anything

  • dont she look happy :laughing:


What a miserable looking young lady but then again she probably just met a certain holier than thou HATO so the face is probably Parr for the course…“Ba-doom-Tish”…ahem :smiley: