Taking a test in the dark

My Class 2 test is going to be in the dark (well, dark by the end of it). Does this really make much of a difference to the difficulty? I don’t have any problems driving my car in the dark, the only thing I can think of is the maneuvers may be a bit more tricky?

I assume you have a 2.30 test. Ask the trainer to do a mock run through starting at test time the day before. That way you will know to expect with regards to light and traffic conditions. The reversing manoeuvre will be at the start so no problem there.

I’m sure you will be fine.

I was told it was a 4pm test - it would be getting quite dark then.

They wont start a test at 4pm. That used to happen in the days of overtime, but only during summer, and has long since ended. You will likely pay for your truck UNTIL 4pm as a 2.30 test would end at approx 3.45.

If it’s heavily overcast at 9 in the morning, I’ve known tests be cancelled because of poor light.

So just check. But in any case, surely you know where the light switch is?? LOL

All the best, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks Pete,
I’m going to have to ring them because they told me on test day I was doing 12pm to 6pm with the test starting around 4pm (I’m doing a 3x day course). I’ll see what they say as something sounds strange here.

The only explanation that springs to mind is that you are taking a 2.30 test at a centre some distance from the training centre. Unless something very unusual has been organised, your test will be over before 4 so that means a 2 hour journey from the test centre back to base.


Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Hmm, could be the case, but I hope not because I will only have done a maximum of 12 hours complete practice time before the test. I’ll post back tomorrow and let you know what’s going on :frowning: