Take the nights out or not? That is the question

Well having been knocked back more times than a bottle of gin on a depressives night out, my mate has said he could get me some work but it means 4 nights out.
He’s good mates with the owner and said he can pull a few strings so my lack of experience wont be such a problem. Apparently its a curtain trailer which is fairly easy to do??
The money isn’t great (£450 bring home) but its a step on the ladder.
The only problem is I have a18 month old boy and I don’t really want to miss him growing up. I have another friend who used to stay out and his biggest regret is missing his kids growing up.
So I’m stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea…do I take the job or keep taking the knock backs?

I have also sent off an application for Farm Foods (Link Logistics) in Shirley today.
Driving past and noticed they are advertising for drivers.

If you are turning a take home pay of 450 quid down then you have joined the wrong industry.

You didnt fall for those adverts on roundabouts of 900 quid a week did you?

Par for the course in this industry i’m afraid.

I did very long days and sometimes 7 days a week when I started.

I missed virtually all of my daughters early years but we needed the money and it was my job to provide.

Yes i did fall for the “We guarantee you £600 a week minimum” line.
I’m not the 1st and I’m sure I wont be the last.

The company i went with gave a promise of finding me work…since i passed I have heard nothing from them…except for the time they took £300 of my credit card with out my say so.

So is this a good offer considering the current climate?

Is this a wind up post ? must be. :unamused:

Boing Boing71:
Yes i did fall for the “We guarantee you £600 a week minimum” line.
I’m not the 1st and I’m sure I wont be the last.

The company i went with gave a promise of finding me work…since i passed I have heard nothing from them…except for the time they took £300 of my credit card with out my say so.

So is this a good offer considering the current climate?

That is a very good offer for a bloke who has had a licence less than 2 months. It is always easier to get a driving job while you are a driver, you can talk to people while gaining valuable experience.

I saw an ad in the driver vacancies section of our local rag on jobs night. It was the usual blurb - earn £600 per week, driver shortage blah blah blah… The only problem was it was the only ad there!!!

Is this a wind up post ? must be. Rolling Eyes

No its not a wind up? why would it be? Its a serious question and i was seeking the advice of people who has been in the game a lot lot longer than me…

You’d be a mug to turn it down mate,more so because of your lack of experience,bite the guys hand off :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

Boing Boing71:

Is this a wind up post ? must be. Rolling Eyes

No its not a wind up? why would it be? Its a serious question and i was seeking the advice of people who has been in the game a lot lot longer than me…

That’s sounds like reasonable money to me. You won’t get many chances like that, especially these days.

Thanks everyone… :slight_smile:

Decision made. Will take it. talked it over with the wife and we are now both agreed its the best for the short term.


Boing Boing

Good luck with it buddy :smiley: :smiley:

if its a small company then take it you will learn more about how the industry works at a small place than being a number at a large blue chip company

you have to be prepeared to do a little extra regarding maintinence ie changing bulbs on unit and trailer keeping an eye on the tyre pressures aqnd route planning and generally being more involed with the job than you would be at a company like stobarts as general example

no1 thing to remember if in doubt ask even if you ask the same question 5 or 6 times. keep asking untill it gets in your head.

450 take home isnt bad money at the end of the day but you will be putting the hrs in for that dont expect 8 or 9 hrs per day for that money expect maximum hrs running.

im not trying to put you off taking the job just hopefully giving you a realistic idea of what to expect

Boing Boing71:
Thanks everyone… :slight_smile:

Decision made. Will take it. talked it over with the wife and we are now both agreed its the best for the short term.


Boing Boing

Besides that you will see the kid when he is lazing around the house when he is 16 :smiley:

Good decision! All the best!‘:D’

dont take it and pass my number on :wink: good luck mate you ve been given a great chance,take it with both hands and dont let go of it til after the country has finished going into meltdown then you can maybe choose more sociable hours for you and your family

take it dude it a step in right direction, you can always move onto day work. think of bigger picture! plus your providing a good living for your family. well done

Have spoken with the guy and he has said its mine if i want it. My only concern (and his) is that the trailers are high top ones and a lot bigger that what i drove with in training and on my test in.
He told me to think about it tonight and let him know tomorrow.

Are the high top curtain trailers more difficult to handle?
Would I be a risk to other road users or should I just grab the bull by the horns and chance my arm?

Ring him now and tell him you have made your mind up and will start Monday.

If you mean by high top trailers that they are double deckers, just take it slowly, smooth and steady. Routes will be worked out anyway for those 16 footers.

If you just mean they are just higher than the truck you passed the test in, just keep your eyes open and get a map with bridge heights in it.

We expect a diary as well :wink:

Have just agreed with to go out with another driver tomorrow (day run) to see how things work out.