Take home £40 a (10 hr) day after expenses!

A job is a job, any job is better than no job… right!?

Imagine this scenario as an example, hand-balling/grafting 8 hrs a day and going home shattered after every shift with £40.

Would you do this?

Whether you would or not, why/why not?


Would you do this?

Whether you would or not, why/why not?

I would not.

Because I’m not a mug.

The minimum wage is to protect teenagers & the terminally stupid.

Which it failed miserably.
Some employers look it as the MAXIMUM

Well part of the problem is Hand ballers and curtain attendants are on the same money people and there are always mugs who will take hand balling for peanuts money which creates the problem of the wages won’t go up.
Don’t get me started on umbrella’s as well what pay you more then take it back off you in a processing fee so your back where you started :angry: whole industry is on its arse due to hauliers paying rock bottom and expecting Ritz service.
I got a call the other day from agency " hey wonder if you can help us out I know your class one but we’ve got a 7.5t job we need covering its delivering mattresses into people houses but we can only pay you basic 7.5t wages contractor won’t pay no more" (7£ something a hour to lug a mattress up flights of stairs all day as well as drive the wagon) (no idea what drivers mate gets paid) told them where to shove it some mug went for it though as got a group text saying they was looking then another one saying they filled it. I know people need to work and will work for peanuts if they need the money but scum take advantage of this especially coming into winter where all of the rates drop more people wanting work

A job is a job, any job is better than no job… right!?

Imagine this scenario as an example, hand-balling/grafting 8 hrs a day and going home shattered after every shift with £40.

Would you do this?

Whether you would or not, why/why not?


Hahahahahahahaha :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

…and yet those who reject such pay & conditions, accepting benefits instead - get slagged off.
To stand temporarily unemployed rather than accept duff T&Cs is a bit like being on strike, standing at the picket line. You get zero pay, you’re still out in the cold and wet, and you might even get some kind of respect (at least from rank and file fellow workers!) for not taking whatever forced you out on strike lying down. How much longer then I wonder will it be until standing down becomes the new “on strike”? :unamused:

Never pay to go to work - ever. :bulb:

A job is a job, any job is better than no job… right!?

Imagine this scenario as an example, hand-balling/grafting 8 hrs a day and going home shattered after every shift with £40.

Would you do this?

Whether you would or not, why/why not?


Not a chance I know the money in this game is not as good as it used to be in some places but that’s taking the ■■■■


Would you do this?

Whether you would or not, why/why not?

I would not.

Because I’m not a mug.

Same here.

Pride and self worth means more to me than eating and keeping warm.

No chance.

And to think an agency in my local rag, is advertising for class 1 @ £16 an hour, just doing trailer swaps, start time at midday onwards, and i`m still thinking about it, well i dont wanna rush going back to work, and the ol woman says, i shouldnt even bother, but i might just ignore her this once.

If there was no other work & you had a family/bills to pay, of course you would…

Those that say “no chance” have obviously never lived on “the bread line”

If the choice was 40 quid or nothing I’d do it. What possible expenses could you have equalling more than half your wages?

If there was no other work & you had a family/bills to pay, of course you would…

Those that say “no chance” have obviously never lived on “the bread line”

Yes, fair enough I suppose. Although I’ve turned down plenty of agency work when I felt it didn’t pay enough, and as far as I remember I still had a mortgage and bills to pay and what have you. It does no one any favours in the long run to work for insultingly low wages.

You’re too busy earning a living to make any money.

The minimum wage isn’t really living though is it?

It’s subsistence living, barely scraping by. Too much month left at the end of the money. Buying cheap instead of good value, paying extortionate interest rates to borrow because you can’t afford to save.

There’s this thing called ‘demographics’, Google it & try to understand its meaning. Try to imagine what the demographic is of a minimum wage earner.

Then, try to imagine a world where that demographic is being expanded. What were once well paid jobs are now minimum wage. Is it expanding, are more & more jobs going over to minimum wage, who’s expanding it?

Why are they expanding it?

If we are not (potentially) minimum wage earners then why are we even talking about it?

…and yet those who reject such pay & conditions, accepting benefits instead - get slagged off.

No, not ‘accepting’ benefits. Claiming them.

No I would only spend most of it on booze,drugs and loose women then just waste the rest.

Even if it was £40 a day and benefit’s (JSA ect) it still would be taking the ■■■■, wouldn’t be worth the hassle if you got grassed up,

im confused… :confused: the topic says 10hours… in the post just 8 hours… which is it i might be interested

…and yet those who reject such pay & conditions, accepting benefits instead - get slagged off.
To stand temporarily unemployed rather than accept duff T&Cs is a bit like being on strike, standing at the picket line. You get zero pay, you’re still out in the cold and wet, and you might even get some kind of respect (at least from rank and file fellow workers!) for not taking whatever forced you out on strike lying down. How much longer then I wonder will it be until standing down becomes the new “on strike”? :unamused:

Never pay to go to work - ever. :bulb:

and they deserve the slagging off and more. i’ve turned down enough work when i was on agency due to low rate, rate v distance to get there, rate v daft o’clock starts, but i then didn’t tootle off cap in hand getting everyone else to top my money up.

when it was quiet after christmas and i’d be sat at home for a few weeks with little or no work, i didn’t claim anything, i liked working on agency with the better hourly rate and i knew that was part of the gig, if i’d wanted work i would be very confident at the time i could’ve got a employed job on a lower rate, but i didn’t want that, so it was my choice so claiming was the last thing on my mind. however, if i was on agency and it went quiet and i was trying to find work anywhere and everywhere but nothing was happening then i wouldn’t like it in the slightest, but i would be claiming.