OK I know how to do a print out for the day and down the bottom it gives me a total of drive hammer poa and rest
But when I take my card out at the end of the week I wanted a print out for the whole week showing A total of all my activities for that week
And also I would like it to show the total hours I was on duty from when I had my daily rest
Bit like a clock card
The digital tachograph only calculates your activity midnight to midnight, you will have to do a printout for each day and calculate the total.
An easier way would be to keep a diary and use the “display driver 1” feature this allows you to view your activity for the day and shows total driving time p.o.a and other work jot it down and then total up at the end of the week.
I tried a thing called my driving hours.com
enter start and finish time, total drive, other work, POA and rest
But because I leave my card in all week and the print out starts calculating from midnight or when I entered my card (not after my last daily rest)
The total hours of rest that I had through the working day and at night are put together
So when I enter the rest period on the site I have to enter 00.00 as start time as it will not allow me to enter an incorrect minute
So on my summary its comming up with I worked 20 hr days
on my driving hours the rest is the breaks during the day only , take a printout at the end of every day the overnight rest will be assumed by the app i e put start finish work poa driving time breaks /not rest
A diary is your friend. Note down your daily driving time at the end of each shift and hey presto you have your weekly/fortnightly driving times at the turn of a page!
Keeping a diary also covers your ■■■ when some office bod rings and says “you had trailer XYZ on the 18th of Noctember and damaged it”, you then consult your high tech diary and tell him to do one as you last pulled it a month before then.
Hiya i had a pal who put everything in his book, driving times, what cafes, where his deliveries were, gross weights
the lot. i told him one day you’ll get put in jail for that(his times from one place to another showed he was speeding)
now 10 years on i’d do the same. these techo,s are a night mare in my book. i saw yon mon was leaving his Tacho
card in all night, i never did that i kept the card with me when not on duty. i found out at one place i worked the fire
station would use my truck some nights and week ends unknown to me(they was also tacho exempt so i could pick
up their kliks).more than 600kliks one weekend
I keep a printout and a diary entry for every single shift. Vehicle(s) duty time, driving time, roughly where I’ve been, and make a note of any extraordinary activities, damage to motor, defects, parking tickets etc.
on my driving hours the rest is the breaks during the day only , take a printout at the end of every day the overnight rest will be assumed by the app i e put start finish work poa driving time breaks /not rest